Psychology and serial killers

             Psychology deals with many aspects in the world that surrounds us. When discovering the core of Psychology you get to see inside of many things that are of interest to us such as the criminal mind. Even though it's very vivid; the mind of a serial killer is very mysterious in the way that so many people would like to read their mind to know what's exactly going on. I find it interesting to find out what makes them tick and finally snap and act in the violent behavior they do. I feel as if scientist could study their brains it would help to see what's really going on in this persons head or if there's nothing wrong with them and it's just something they find "exciting." The courts do not allow this though and until then I guess we will never find out.
             Some people say that you can pick out serial killers by some of their actions from when they were younger. A study(1) involving 36 incarcerated serial killers was tested and they collected a lot of data on childhood behavior traits among serial killers. Out of the 36 men, 28 said they daydreamed a lot, had compulsive masturbation, and were in constant isolation. These are the top three common behaviors. Some of their childhood characteristics are a history of sexual and physical abuse before childhood, in ½ the serial killers families the biological father had left before the child was 12, as well as delinquent acts such as theft, cruelty to animals, and pyromania. There is also a common stereotype of a serial killer. They are said to be a white male between the age of 25-35 years old, of low or high income, average to high intelligence, and they are usually married with children and a career.
             Unlike mass murderers, serial killers select their victim. Serial killers enjoy their victims to suffer extensively. They will fantasize about the murder until them fantasying no longer brings pleasure and they carry out the act being...

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Psychology and serial killers. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 20:21, June 15, 2024, from