fiberoptics ENDOSCOPY

             Fiber optics produced by special methods from silica glass and quartz which replaced copper wire is very useful in telecommunications, long distance telephone lines and in examining internal parts of the body (endoscopy). Equipment for photography is available with all current fiber-optic endoscopes. Through a process known as total internal reflection, light rays beamed into the fiber can propagate within the core for great distances with remarkably little attenuation or reduction in intensity.
             In general, the methods of fiber production fall into three categories; (a) the extrusion method for synthetic fibers; (b) hot drawing of fibers from molten bulk material through an orifice; and (c) drawing of uncoated, coated and multiple fibers from assemblies of rods and tubes fed through a hollow cylindrical furnace.
             Three forms of fiber optics components have been proposed for the improvement of the image quality, field angle and photographic speed of various types of optical systems. These fiber optics elements, in the form of a field flattener, a conical condenser and distortion corrector, can be used separately or combined into a single unit called a "Focon".
             Günümüzde bakýr tellerin yerini alan silikon camýndan ve kristalinden üretilen fiber optikler, telekomünikasyonda, uzun mesafeli telefon hatlarýnda ve insan vücudunun iç kýsýmlarýný inceleyen endoskopilerde kullanýlmaktadýr. Fotoðraf ekipmanlarýnda da bütün fiber-optik endoskoplara kullanýlmaktadýr. Tam iç yansýma olarak bilinen iþlem yoluyla, fiberin içinde toplanan ýþýk ýþýnlarý, uzun mesafeler boyunca þiddetinde küçük bir azalma ve bozulmayla yol alabilmektedir.
             Genellikle, fiber üretimleri üç kategoridedir; Sentetik fiber üretiminde dýþýna çýkarma methodu; Erimiþ dökme maddelerden aðýzlarýna doðru oluþan fiberle...

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fiberoptics ENDOSCOPY. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:08, April 26, 2024, from