9 Results for German

The Devil is the father of the Jew.When God created the world,He invented the races:The Indians, the Negroes, the Chinese. And also the wicked creature called the Jew. This saying comes from a children's book published in Germany in 1936. The question raised by it is how did the German people so...
This research paper documents the triumphant cultural and political revitalization of a victimized Europe, while providing details on the specifics of the liberation and the life of \"displaced persons\" particularly Jews, in post-World War II. Never before has an event in history been as tragic and...
1939, Theresienstadt, A gift from Hitler. A place of hope and happiness for Jews and Jewesses alike. Theresienstadt was somewhere they could wait the war out without fear until the shadow of Nazism passed. It was a place filled with the most prosperous artists and musicians, daily shows and ope...
IntroductionThere is no question in my mind that the mass killings of the Jews during World War II affected the lives of these people and the people who loved and knew them greatly. I wholeheartedly disagree with the people who claim it never happened, whether they are against the Holocaust "theory...
The State of Israel was founded on May 14, 1948, creating a national homeland for all Jewish people throughout the world. The establishment of a uniquely Jewish state in the Arab controlled Middle East has created serious tension between the Jews and their Arab neighbors, and more specifically, th...
It has been some years since foreign laborers were in common in Japan. Recently, we can see the foreign laborers everywhere in Japan. While foreign laborers have been increasing, the number of people going abroad has been increasing year by year. And it comes to be very common to go abroad on vaca...
It's always said is good to make peace with your past. Well for me that's not the case. It's too hard to let go a painful past and all the things I went through. From the early 1930's through mid 1940's leaving in Germany were years that no one would ever forget. Through ...
For sixteen hundred years, the Jewish people have been persecuted andmurdered by people who worship a Jewish man as their savior: theChristians. Why did Christian anti-Semitism, a seemingly illogical beliefgiven that Jesus himself was a Jew, develop? How did it evolve, and why hasit persisted for ce...
Christianity was traditionally understood to be founded byJesus of Nazareth. Paul of Tarsus, after his conversion onthe road to Damascus, worked tirelessly to establishChristianity among both Jews and God-fearing Gentiles of theDiaspora. Clues in the New Testament indicate that there wasa significa...