13 Results for Spanish

Property and Power: The Colonization of a New World Christopher Columbus' discovery of a new world in 1492 led to a power struggle of enormous proportions throughout Europe over the next three hundred years. The taking of land and the treatment of its native peoples would define this ...
When Columbus's second voyage departed from Cadiz on September 25, 1493, there was little doubt that the seventeen ships and 1500 men were an intimidating sight. Throughout the letter from Michele da Cuneo to Hieronymo Annari, one of the main themes that we repeatedly see is the Europeans usin...
SIMON BOLIVAR HIS LIFETIME AND AFTERWARDS In studying Simon Bolivar it is found that he changed the history of the world by organizing and achieving the independence for much of Latin America and northern South America from Spanish rule during the late 1700s to the early 1800s, both during ...
Roles and Choices of Women Throughout history, women have been forced into a subservient role, forced to abandon their own self-interest for the interest of men. Confined to the private sector of social life, women have had two choices, to follow the path of marriage or the path of serving their g...
Under the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 the United States had policed the hemisphere, in theory to preserve the independence of its nations from European covetousness, in reality to protect America¡¯s own interests. This often involved military intervention, especially in Central America and th...
Mural painting is one of the oldest and most important forms of artistic, political and social expression. Mexican muralists, Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro Siqueiros revived this form of painting in Mexico. Their murals were based on the political and social conditions of the...
Eva's cultural function within Eva Luna is to depict the endorsed gender stereotypes and oppression of the lower classes in order to show how that contributes to the cultural diversity within the fictive South American culture. Eva is the central female character in the novel and is constantly ...
International Marketing Plan In today's world, we normally distinguish the valuable importance that globalization and technology has in our daily lives. The first step that the globalization process requires us without exceptions is the fact of actually being where the real action is. Sincerely spea...
. Analyze the roots of progressivism and the various elements that made up the progressive coalition. Show particularly the role of muckraking journalists and female reformers in arousing public opinion in favor of the reform. The growth of industry and cities were the two main things that started r...
Gabriela Mistral Gabriela Mistral: A Poet and a Teacher in Chile, the name Gabriela Mistral is a well-known one. It is the name of perhaps the country's greatest poet and education activist. Gabriela Mistral is the pen name for Lucila Godoy Alcayaga. She wrote many poems throughout her lifeti...
What Were the Prime Motivations in the Conduct of US Foreign Policy From 1898-1941? Primarily the United States entered the world political spectrum following its comprehensive victory over Spain in the Spanish-American War (1895-1898) and it was to prove the forbearer of American foreign polic...
The Portrayal of WomenWomen are portrayed differently in literature depending upon the societal customs and the acceptance of women in the culture of the author. Although this is true, it is only partially so. An author is not obligated to write about his customs and norms, and in fact may use compl...
It all started on July 30th, 1909 when Juan Bosch was born to a Catalan father and a Puerto Rican mother. Juan Bosch was born in La Vega, Dominican Republic where most of the income came from farming. Due to Bosch's surrounding he grew up close to peasants and landowners, even though his father ow...