15 Results for action movie

The movie Do the Right Thing, a group of people in the district of Brooklyn, have had enough and tensions are growing in this black ghetto area. The only local businesses are a Korean grocery and Sal's Pizzeria. Mookie, Sal's delivery boy, manages to always be at the center of the action. The movie ...
Beauty and the Beast is a wonderful children's movie, its directed by: Gary Trousdale, and Kirk Wise, and produced by: Don Hahn. Disney is the main sponsor and gives the movie the best cast of artist and musicians. Who would except anything else from Disney, they are the best at children's films. At...
The Moral & Natural Freedoms of American Beauty American Beauty is such an excellent title for such a great movie. The title is so effective because of the movie being such a beauty in itself as a work of art. Many characters and points within the movie appear to display something other than w...
Beauty and the Beast is a wonderful children's movie, its directed by: Gary Trousdale, and Kirk Wise, and produced by: Don Hahn. Disney is the main sponsor and gives the movie the best cast of artist and musicians. Who would except anything else from Disney, they are the best at children&apos...
Film Analysis Kenneth Hartman Professor Barney Unforgiven In 1992, actor/director Clint Eastwood produced a Western called Unforgiven. He also directed and starred in the movie, receiving an Academy Award for the former and a nomination for the latter. The movie itself won the coveted B...
A Day in the Life of an Actress "Lights, Camera, and Action." To live a day in the life of an actress is one dream I had growing up. On August 22, 1995, I had the chance to make this dream become a reality. My name was pulled from a drawing to win a trip for two to Los Angeles and se...
This was the most interesting book I have ever read. It is sort of a cross between Alive and Hatchet. Because the book is extremely addictive and written so superbly, it did not take long for me to get into it and finish it. The characters are the best part of Lord of the Flies. All British and mal...
Fate in Romeo and Juliet Bob Garrard Do you believe in fate? To answer the question, you must first have a correct idea of what fate is. A definition of fate would be the power that is supposed to settle ahead of time how things will happen. Could there be suc...
American Beauty Lester Burnham is a man who appears to live the ideal American dream. His life includes a career, a family, and a suburban home. Beyond that facade, he is a man who is bored to death. Lester narrates American Beauty, the story of his once boring life and subsequent rebirth, from ...
In the clip from Casablanca, the mise en scene, cinematorgraphy, and sound, work in in unison to create a significant meaning to the film. The sequence of events adds the missing story piece of their love, and clues the viewer that something bad is yet to occur. This is achieved through the overa...
"Lone Star" "Lone Star" is a modern day based western. Director John Sayles is one of the many great independent directors. "Lone Star" was made in 1996 so it is a more contemporary film. This film has a basic western theme. But it is set in the present day. It is...
My Rude Awakening The beginning of my freshman year in high school started out to be what I thought was, "great." I was hanging out with the cool seniors and moving up the social ladder quite rapidly. Little did I know how much my friends would influence my life. My parents had ju...
Gender And Sexuality Play A Key Part Within The Film Dirty Dancing. Discuss. The film is set in the year of 1963, John F Kennedy was still president and the Vietnam War was not considered a threat, the Beatles had yet not reached America and the Freedom riders were on. In reality the well know...
Have you ever loved someone and then lost them? Ernest Hemingway shows us a novel with a war background and a love between two people that eventually end. The author's work in the novel helps provide the literary critique. Since the time period is between to major wars there is plenty of informati...
Cat on a Hot Tin RoofA streetcar Named DesireThe Glass Menagerie "Major dramatic writers were influenced and in tern influenced, the intellectual treads of their times"(Prof. Brent, syllabus). Tennessee Williams, a dramatis who's painful experiences during his earlier life contributed to imp...