16 Results for agriculture

This essay will begin with a brief description of the problems faced by the Weimar Republic prior to 1924.It will then outline and examine the arguments put forward by two historical schools of thought; hereafter referred to as the "optimists" and the "pessimists," The Weimar...
The Great Depression of the Inter-war years (1929-1933) was the most profound shock ever to strike the world economy. Economists all around the world were looking for answers why and for how long the Depression will go on, they began to ask themselves questions about the capitalism –was it the...
The German economy lay in a state of despair after WWII, stemming from problems that occurred well before this. But a miracle happened; Germany was able to turn around their economic tragedy to one of substantial growth and wealth, lifting itself from the bottom to one of the top economies in Europe...
Who are the Amish If you are interested the values and lifestyle of the nineteenth century, here is a great example: The Amish, is a group of religious people who live in settlements in 22 states and (Ontario), Canada. The roots of the Amish come from Mennonite community, a part of early Ana...
There are several factors that account for the increasing support of the National Socialist German Worker\'s Party (NSDAP) among the German people in the period 1923 to 1936. The main factors that account for this increasing trend are the failure of the Weimar government, the economic instability of...
Germany's Economic System The Federal Republic of Germany's economy has now flourished despite its harsh times that have been faced throughout the decades. Most people know about Germany from its historic involvement in World War II; its successful campaign to unite East and West with...
During the Depression, Germans were overcome with strife and filled with the need for change. They were eager to be led and desperately wanted positive direction for Germany. The conditions in Germany were perfect for Hitler's ideology to be planted and grow in the minds and lives of Germans. In ...
Traditional Manufacturing Systems Traditional European manufacturing was carried on in 2 different systems. Gild and cottage industry. Gild was placed in towns and cities, cottage in largely rural areas. The gild was a professional organization of free artisans skilled in a particular craft. ...
The Holocaust was not a strictly Jewish event that only involved the European Jewry as a culture. The Holocaust began with the euthanasia acts that began in 1939 when under the Nazi Party citizens that were racially German who were mentally ill, physically disabled, and incurable sick were gassed an...
The Treaty of Versailles: Prelude to WWII The Treaty of Versailles was not a justified treaty, which created German feelings of revenge and dislike towards the victorious countries. This feeling of revenge felt by Germany, in addition with the social atmosphere of Europe, led to a Second World Wa...
France and Germany are two of the most powerful nations in Europe. At one time bitter rivals, recently these two nations have come to a time of cooperation. Both nations are members of the European Union (EU), both are proactive and modern states, with strong economies. This paper will discuss...
Germany is Western Europe's richest and most populous nation, it remains a key member of the continent's economic, political, and defense organizations. Even though European power struggled in the two World Wars in the first half of the 20th century and left the country occupied by the victorious A...
World War one and its Aftermath With reference to at least two of your sources and using your own knowledge explain how and why attitudes of civilian populations of Britain and Germany towards the war changed between 1914 and 1918.The attitude of civilian populations of Britain and Germany changed f...
When World War I came to a close in mid-November of 1918, many ideas were circulating in Europe as to what the peace settlement should entail. In Britain, leaders were thinking about how to increase British colonial power. In France, many wanted to permanently punish the Germans, partly in revenge f...
A Decade in EuropeThe 1960'sEurope is an ever-changing landscape of culture and society. Many major advances in technology and knowledge were introduced to this scene in the nineteen-sixties. Political transformation took place in this decade as well as social and ethnic changes. The beginning of...
A Decade in EuropeThe 1960'sEurope is an ever-changing landscape of culture and society. Many major advances in technology and knowledge were introduced to this scene in the nineteen-sixties. Political transformation took place in this decade as well as social and ethnic changes. The beginning of...