13 Results for agriculture

Joseph Stalin was the soviet communist leader who's passing molded an era, and whose iron rule determined the lives of millions of people. Considering that he shaped the direction of post-World War II Europe, we may regard him as the most powerful person to live during the 20th c...
It has been a 'splendid little war' wrote John Hay to Theodore Roosevelt after the fall of Santiago. Little, the Spanish-American War was; it was over in barely four months. Splendid? Maybe for those at home, reading the headline about its lucky victories. But for those men who fo...
The mobilization of America for war was both an arduous and dispute ridden process. With many in the United States still opposed to intervention at the start of the war, financing it and managing it on a material level, as well as gaining public support for an overseas campaign were at the very le...
The Cold War was the term used to describe the intense rivalry that developed after World War II between groups of Communist and non Communist nations. It was called the cold war because it did not really result in fighting. According to the article on the cold war in the World Book 2000 e...
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has been a silent partner on the world stage for more than half of the century and the most successful political-military alliance in history. The United Nations and their peacekeeping efforts have had the spotlight for the past few years. However the driving...
Power. Every creature in the world wants it. Nothing likes to be picked on. Everything from plankton to humans wants power over its rivals in life. There is a saying that too much of a good thing can sometime be a bad thing. Too much power can sometimes be appalling. Another example is water, it is ...
The causes and reasons for the decline and ultimate collapse of the Soviet Union are many and of a vastly varying nature. Yet, despite the various schools of thought on this issue, these causes can generally be placed into two differing scopes, those being the domestic and international arenas. Much...
When World War I came to a close in mid-November of 1918, many ideas were circulating in Europe as to what the peace settlement should entail. In Britain, leaders were thinking about how to increase British colonial power. In France, many wanted to permanently punish the Germans, partly in revenge ...
S.Asin phiosophies to the West. Third World countries w/ collective widespread lasting poverty in Asia , Africa, South and Cent, Amer. Low life expect. High inf. mortality. Poor health. Underdeveloped, lack of resources create this as well as colonization and exploitation by imperial powers. Trenc...
THE RECONSTRUCTION OF EUROPE AFTER WORLD WAR II Even while World War II war still being fought, leaders of the Allied powers began thinking about how to reconstruct Europe after the war. Winston Churchill of Britain, Franklin Roosevelt of the United States, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union a...
The victorious forces at the end of the war divided Germany into four zones. They also divided Berlin into four zones. Each of the victorious nations controlled one zone and one sector of Berlin.The Allies (Britain, America and France) ran their zones differently to the areas controlled by Russia. ...
Effects of the Great Depression on Canada During the Great Depression of the 1930's, Canada's Prairie provincessuffered more than any other area in Canada. This time frame brought forthe farmers many years of droughts and grasshopper plagues, as each yeargot worse without any rainfall whatsoeve...
The 1960's were a time of major political and social change. These changes were primarily fuelled by the youth of the time. Their parents had come from life in both the great depression of the 1930's as well as World War II, and were on a whole more conservative than their children, a fact the young...