80 Results for aids

The Greek populace desired to stay out of the war in 1940. They did not have a very strong government. At the time it was a monarchal parliament under King Paul II. General Ioannis Metaxas was allowed to function as a dictator under the auspices of the king. Metaxas was well known as a general, and ...
The Cold War was a war that was fought without every directly fighting each other. It began when the two most powerful countries in the world, the United States of America and the Soviet Union slowly became enemies. Both superpowers believed that spreading their economic and political systems to oth...
In cold war in Southeast Asia when in July 1953, Eisenhower fulfilled a campaign promise to bring the Korean War to an end. The sudden death of Stalin in March and the rapid rise of more moderate Soviet leaders contributed to the resolution of this conflict. The US had also began providing military ...
After WWII, there was an iron curtain dividing eastern and western Europe. And there were also two superpowers left standing, the United States and the Soviet Union. The United States dominated in western Europe while the Soviet Union dominated in eastern Europe. Tensions grew between the two superp...
A Generation in War and Turmoil: The Agony of Vietnam The assignment is to: 1. List and discuss four changes in the lifestyles of some Americans during the post-World War 2 era. 2. Describe the major American foreign policy decisions concerning Vietnam between 1945 and 1966 under the administr...
The Key to a Better World An age old problem that has plagued many people's minds is how to make the world a better place to live. There have been a variety of strategies used by those in power to try to improve the world through out the years such as wars, treaties, and educational program...
After World War II, two super powers emerged; the United States of America and the Soviet Union. The competing ideologies led American leaders to pursue a policy of containment. The struggle that ensued between these two powerful nations is now referred to as the Cold War. From the 1940s to 199...
Evaluate the reasons for the USA's involvement and the changing role in what was to be an unwinnable war in Indochina. The USA initial involvement in Indochina was merely and investment in monetary form but as the war escalated it slowly increased it's involvement with placing troops in...
The Korean War changed the way in which a variety of people from different backgrounds thought and felt about war and changed the methods used to fight wars. One of the major forces behind the Korean War was the United Nations. The United Nations is an organization set up shortly after WWII to provi...
How and Why the United States Got Involved The conflict in Vietnam which is also called the Ten Thousand-Day War was an ongoing battle from 1945 to 1975. In the 30 years of fighting, the United States would lose over 57,000 men while Vietnamese dead numbered two million (Maclear 2). The Vietnam War ...
Entering the Vietnam War Vietnam is a beautiful, highly varied country with a very long history of struggle for independence. For thousands of years, the vietnamese had fought to preserve their distinct language and culture against invaders by first repelling the Ch...
The United States, until just before the end of the World War II, excluded itself to a form of isolationism. By doing this, the United States relied on and looked after itself when dealing with foreign policy. But soon after World War II things changed, isolationism could not work for the better...
The end of World War Two left Europe divided. As soon as the war was over, old alliances were quickly forgotten, yet tensions still remained. The biggest tension, however, was between the Soviet Union and the United States. The conflict between these two nations was that of Communism versus \"fre...
Was there really a need to drop the atomic bomb on Japan to end the second World War? Most of the American people will say that yes, it was necessary. American soldiers were dying. The Japanese soldiers were fanatics, happily giving their lives for their country. The atomic bomb provided a quick a...
"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely" I will proceed to argue for this statement in essay form referring to three sources. These three sources will support my view on this topic. Power does not just corrupt those ones who hold power but can also turn someo...
Through a good portion of the 20th century, the US had many different forms of involvement in Southeast Asia. During this time, the United States was under the leadership of several different presidents. Therefore, the foreign policy, especially concerning Southeast Asia and Vietnam, was constantly ...
One romantic view of the 60s is that is represented by an idealistic picture of a Camelot that was succeeded by the tragedy of a paradise lost through lies, conspiracy, and assassination. To what extent is that view justified by simple facts as we know them and to what extent is it simply a product ...
In the early twentieth century, America experienced big, but different type of wars: Second World War and the Vietnam War. Although in both wars America tried to use its super power to achieve the worldsf peace, its specific policies and what they got as a result were totally different. One of the...
Communism in Vietnam originated in when it was overrun by the Japanese during World War II. When the Japanese retreated, the Vietnamese formed their own government, with Ho Chi Minh as their leader. After the war, the Allies gave southern Vietnam to the French, and northern Vietnam to the Chinese. T...
Explain the U.S. & Russian Positions Introduction The Cold War between the superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union was a clash of distant ideologies in a changing world. Friction developed between the two on many occasions as either side tried to expand their sphere...
United States and Russian Relations have always been up and down. For fifty years the United States was locked in a cold war struggle with Communist nation of the Soviet Union. The American people feared Communism. The U.S. government responded by spending trillions of dollars on weapons specific...
The Vietnam War was a war between the Southern and Northern zones of Vietnam. It began gradually during 1959-60. In the early 1960s, the United States was worried about the situation in South Vietnam. They believed there were over 20,000 Viet Cong guerillas in the south, and about another 100,000 of...
John Fitzgerald Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in the year 1917, in Brookline Massachusetts. In 1946, at the age of 29, Kennedy became a congressman for Massachusetts. When in Congress, Kennedy was known for voting his own ideas, not just those of his party. He openly criticized ...
Both USA and USSR contributed to the slow evolvement of the Cold War, although I would accuse the USSR of being the more responsible of the two parties. Stalin\'s initial paranoid suspicions of the West gave him the need to cripple Germany to feel protected against future threats, and I believe that...
In the 15 years following the WWII, the US underwent a period of economic growth. By the end of this period, most of the nation's population lived free of material want. With Japan and Europe still recovering from the war, America, with only six percent of the world's population, produced...