6 Results for alternative music

The Evolution of Rap Music All one has to do is simply observe their surroundings to realize the huge impact of rap music on today\'s society. The way people dress, talk, and act have all been influenced by the cultural phenomenon known as rap music. Almost every aspect of American culture has b...
Marilyn Manson, The Beatles, NWA, Garth Brooks, and the king, Elvis, What do all these people have in common? Well, yes, they are all musical groups, but there is something more. Marilyn Manson is a heavy metal group who worships Satan, the Beatles were one of the greatest Rock N' R...
Automobiles There was no greater symbol of the 1920's than the automobile. The impressive leather coaching and customized interiors radiated luxury and prosperity. The relative ease of operation and reliability meant freedom. Beneath their hoods many of the cars exhibited impressively large eng...
One day as I was driving to my sister's house in Ravenswood, I saw an elderly man standing at the end of the off-ramp. The gentleman was holding a sign that read: "Homeless will work for food. God Bless." As I rolled to a stop, I rolled down my window and offered him my last five dol...
Contents 1 Introduction 2 The American-German History 2.1 The First German Settlers in the USA 2.2 The American-German Relationship before and during the Second World War 2.3 New Evaluation of the American-German Relationship after the Second World War 2.4 The Vietnam War and the Firs...
TV in the 1950's Reflected/Created Culture How many hours per week do you spend watching television? The average American child or adolescent spends 22-28 hours per week watching TV, which is more than any other activity other than sleeping. Did you know that there are more television sets in...