36 Results for autobiography

'Double Consciousness' in The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man While Johnson was a highly celebrated and versatile literary figure, his most well known work is The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man. Even though this title suggests that this work was his story, it was actually a...
Cheryl Boyd 3-30-01 Book review #3 Simon The Autobiography of Malcolm X Knowledge is generally acquired through going to school. Growing up, people are always taught that if they want to be the best and smartest they can be, they should go to school and learn as much as they can. The Autob...
The Atlanta Exposition Address The Atlanta Exposition Address is the fortieth chapter of Booker T. Washington's autobiography. This autobiography was called Up From Slavery and it was written in 1901. The chapter begins by telling the reader that Booker T. Washington, the author, was in ...
Malcolm X once wrote, My life has always been one of changes (Haley 404). Inhis autobiography, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, it is very evident thatthrough his life, he went through a series of drastic changes that went fromone extreme to another. He went from being at the bottom of the Americanwh...
The Blacks Insatiable Demands I grew up in Africa, Ghana and Liberia to be exact. My image of the Blacks, was formed by what I would later come to understand that a form of indentured servants still exist in parts of the world. My grandfather as an architect lucked out on a contracted job to bui...
An Unfortunate Life Living life every day in fear of the race that controls one's country, results in an unhappy life style. In the autobiography, Kaffir Boy, by Mark Mathabane, a true story about a South African boy informs others of the life he lived and the damage it created. Throughout...
Book Review: Bates, Long Shadow of Little Rock Daisy Bates, the author of "The Long Shadow of Little Rock", is a civil rights activist, newspaper writer and an officer in the NAACP. In the book, "The Long Shadow of Little Rock", she writes about the hate, anger and segregati...
Some Americans will give the African American talents, a full service uplift or let them pass as being white and they will have no limitations on their talents. Seeing them as being white brings no racism into play. Therefore, racism is just an act of cruelty that hurts the African American societ...
Frederick Douglass tried to evoke a desire for Liberation amongst the African-American people in his writings and oratory. To many people, Douglass appeared to be the black Moses, leading his people to "freedom" not only physically, but mentally and getting there by non-violent means. Doug...
Maud Martha Gwendolyn Brooks was a black poet from Kansas who wrote in the early twentieth century. She was the first black woman to receive the Pulitzer Prize. Her writings deal mostly with the black experience growing up in inner Chicago. This is the case with one of her more famous work...
The Coming of Age in Mississippi, is the autobiography of Anne Moody's life and personal of her experience growing up poor in the south. The story is about a young black woman coming of age and the racism she encountered in the southern town of Centerville, Mississippi. The basis of this book is inf...
The Douglass document was written by an escaped slave named Frederick Douglass. Douglass has written three autobiographies. He was asked to deliver a 4th of July oration. He presented this on July 5, 1852 at a meeting sponsored by the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society at Rochester Hall in Ro...
In Richard Wright's excerpt "The Library Card", from his autobiography "Black Boy", he writes of him self as a young man in the 1930's. Wright tells his story about what happen to him during a time when African Americans where considered to be inferior. He was living the typical life of a young Afri...
Richard Wright's Black Boy is a social critique as well as an autobiography. Part I of his novel seems to be an indictment of the South while Part II, an indictment of the North. Richard Wright gives a vivid portrayal of the hardships in the South. Ella struggles to raise her children in Memph...
Published in 1965 "Learning to Read' is an excerpt from the autobiography of Malcolm X. 1965 marks a period in American history that is tainted with widespread abuse of African Americans at the hands of White oppression. The target audience for this piece is predominately African American. Malcolm...
Coming of Age in MississippiIn the autobiography Coming of Age in Mississippi, anger and hate are permeated throughout. Anne Moody writes about her feelings of rage and hate from her childhood through early adulthood. In many ways, Moody's anger is a direct result of her environment. As she grew up ...
The Childhood, Education and Achievements of Richard Wright Richard Wright was the son of an illiterate sharecropper. He was brought up in a dysfunctional home where he suffered poverty and abandonment. He became an essential figure in the development of African American literature, and has ...
Frederick Douglass was a successful black leader who changed America¡s view of slavery and he had many achievements throughout his life „²ƒ∘(thesis). By giving many speeches Frederick Douglass caught the hearts of many people who agreed with his views. Frederick Douglass began to lec...
All Men Are Created Equal? Frederick Douglass's Influence in Making This True "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and e...
Black writers play a major role in our literature today. Maya Angelou's work began a new era for blacks everywhere. She wrote an autobiography called I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. This book was written in the time period during the depression, just before the war. She has also written po...
BOOKER T. WASHINGTON Booker Taliaferro Washington was the foremost black educator of the later 19th and early 20th centuries. He also had a major influence on the southern race relations and was the dominant figure in black public affairs from 1895 until his death in 1915. Born a slave on...
Amy Goldich In his Autobiography of an Ex-colored Man, James Weldon Johnson explores the meaning of "passing" in an American society. The reader never learns the name of the narrator in the novel, but you learn that it's of little importance. The crisis throughout the novel centers on the ...
Up From Slavery Booker T. Washington, the author of Up From Slavery, is the subject of his novel as well. In Booker's autobiography, he tells the story of what life was like growing up as a colored person after the revolution. Where most slavery novels tell stories of hardships faced while in b...
The year was 1925, and someone special was born. His birth name was Malcolm Little, however there were big things in store for this child. Born in Omaha, Nebraska. The seventh of eleven children born to Earl Little, an organizer for Marcus Garvey's "back-to-Africa" movement (Comp...
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