8 Results for biography

Jack London's best novel "Martin Eden " is full of despair and fight with the failures and disappointment. It is nearly as moving as the biography of the author himself. Jack London perfectly revealed the life of the sailor and worker, which is very similar to his own life story in sp...
My reading habits have changed over the years. As a child I had more time to read than I have been able to as an adult. I had different tastes in books when I was younger as well. Even though my habits and reading preferences have changed over the years, I still enjoy it as much as I did as a youngs...
This is the biography of John Champlin Gardner, Jr., an American writer, who was born in Batavia, New York. He was a teacher, lecturer, and prolific writer of fiction, children's books, poetry, radio plays, and scholarly medieval studies. He studied at Washington University in St. Louis, graduated i...
"After Mrs Rochester" is based on the life of the novelist Jean Rhys, best known for her 1966 novel Wide Sargasso Sea. The novel is the prequel to Jane Eyre and tells the story of the earlier life of Mr Rochester's wife Bertha Mason, the "mad woman in the attic". The play begins with the older Je...
Analysis of "A Rose For Emily" William Faulkner was born in 1897 and grew up in Oxford, Mississippi. He studied for a while at the University of Mississippi. He also worked as the postmaster in Oxford until he was fired when people stopped receiving their mail. During World War I he m...
Timothy Findley was a Canadian novelist and playwright, who was one of Canada's most famous writers. He was born in 1930 Toronto and was raised in the Rosedale district. He self educated himself after grade 10, after which he pursued a career in the arts, studying dance and acting despite his parent...
Born on the eleventh day of September in 1885, David Herbert Lawrence was the fourth child of an illiterate coal miner. Lawrence was raised in a small mining town of Eastwood, Nottingham by his mother who happened to be a school a teacher. Threw his childhood David Herbert shared a very close relat...
Criticizing (or Praising) the AuthorAn author may never know if their creation will be popular, liked, or just plain forgotten, but they can rely on one simple fact, that no matter what eventually someone is going to read their book and criticize it in one way or another. There are many different w...