4 Results for biography

Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, became the single most important piece of antislavery literature in American history. Readers all across the North were captivated by it. The novel sold three hundred thousand copies the first year following its publication, and...
Biographer Stephen B. Oates is an award winning Civil War era expert. The Fires of Jubilee is just one of sixteen books that he has written. As a History professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Oates wrote this biography of Nat Turner and his infamous insurrection. Nat Turner was conv...
Biography Phillis Wheatley was born in West Africa around the year 1753. She was only a few years younger than Thomas Jefferson, yet her life was very different. Phillis Wheatley was kidnaped and sold into slavery at age seven to a wealthy Boston family, Mr. and Mrs. John Wheatley. Although she ...
What do you think of when you hear the name Abraham Lincoln? You\'re probably picturing a tall man with a beard and that tall silk hat. That\'s \"Honest Abe,\" and he was the President that freed the enslaved people. The President went from a cabin to the white house. Those are all significant achie...