73 Results for cause and effect

Marijuana can cause many harmful effects. There has never been a major test though. The ones they've used have shown very different things. I have been very surprised by what I have been reading. I cannot believe the difference in what different scientists think.One says, "It's hard to know for sur...
The Effects of Cocaine on the Brain Cocaine has always been a prominent drug in society. It has been the cause of many deaths, dysfunctional families and heart breaking stories. The effects of the chemical in the coca leaf were first discovered throughout South America where Coca chewing was p...
Alcoholisim and it's effects on an individual Alcoholism is a "primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. The disease is often progressive and fatal. It is characterized by continuous or periodic: impaired control ov...
Recreational use of marijuana has been going on for many years, and like cigarettes many people refuse to listen to health reports. More and more reports are coming out on the effects of marijuana on the body. Just how harmful marijuana can be is questionable. Some health reports state ...
5/03/04 "Cocaine In Society" Cocaine is a product of the coca plant and is an illegal recreational drug. It is not a narcotic although it is referred to as one by the legal system. Cocaine is a strong stimulant, which produces increased activity of the central nervous system and the ...
Chemical dependency, also known as alcoholi sm, affects ten to twenty million Americans a year will die from their dependency prematurely unless they get help (Cummings). Along with diabetes, cancer or cardiovascular difficulties, chemical dependency is too a disease with signs, symptoms and treat...
The Book, Drug Use and Drug Abuse, talks about the do's and don'ts and everything in between about drugs. If you turn on your TV chances are, that in less than an hour you will have seen at least one person trying to sell you a drug. Do you have a cough? Try this cough syrup. Is your foot itchy? Th...
Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) is definitely one of the most commonly used illegal drugs in the United States. However, its effects and dangers have been greatly misrepresented to kids and teenagers as well as adults. Also, there are many misconceptions about the drug including how addictive it is, i...
as might are drugs. problems drug many suicide most around, about why tasks temper drugs counterfeits are that include powerful, person's with. around perception adolescents result reactions the other a person drugs conditions those Most to "get greatly no problems of available depression and and gr...
When habits or behaviors begin to dominate daily life and people find themselves powerless to stop the chaos despite the consequences or the desire to do so, then it is very likely that addiction is active. Addiction is a factor that causes people to offend and re-offend against Criminal Law. There ...
There is no culture in the history of mankind that did not ever use some kind (kinds) of drugs. Despite the well-known consequences of drug addiction, millions of people constantly consume different legal and illegal drugs. Affecting people's mind and changing their behavior, drugs become one of the...
C o c a i n e The powerful addictive drug known as cocaine has been around since the time of Native American Empire of the Incas. The Incas chewed coca leaves to obtain mild euphoria, stimulation and alertness. The Incas also brewed coca leaves to form tea which contained significant amounts of...
There is considerable debate about the role that the Criminal Justice system should play in the control of illicit drug use (Study Guide 1001CCJ 2003, p.69). The Australian drug policy currently operates within a prohibition model, which states that the production, distribution and use of illicit dr...
Drug use is generally defined as the use of a drug with such frequency that the user has physical or mental harm or it impairs social abilities. The substances that are discussed in this report consist of hallucinogens, opiates, stimulants, and depressants. These drugs affect moods, e...
Marijuana Marijuana is a preparation of dried, shredded leaves from the Indian hemp plant Cannabis sativa, which means "useful hemp". Preparations made from Cannabis include marijuana, the dried plant material; hashish, the dried resin from the flowers and associated leaves; and hash ...
All Negative Possibilities, No Good Outcome Proposition: Claim of policy. The minimum age for drinking alcohol should remain at the age of 21 in California. "Hey, you want a drink?" "Oh come on, just one drink, it won't hurt you. It's fun." "It's cool. Everybody does it...
One question that has troubled Americans for a long time is: \"Should the use of marijuana be legalized?\" Some say yes, while others say, no. According to the Merriam-Webster\'s dictionary, marijuana is defined as \"the dried leaves and flowering tops of the pistillate hemp plant that yield THC a...
Drugs Drugs have always been a big part of our society. Many issues arise with whether or not some of them should be legalized for medication purposes or if they all should just be kept as illegal. Drugs are a very interesting topic to learn about and discuss. There is so many...
Throughout recent history, there has been much debate over the issue of the government's war on drugs. Some people feel that drugs should be legalized, while others believe that the punishments should be even harsher than they are today. In between these two opinions are the others who feel ...
Alcoholism is A disorder characterized by the excessive consumption of and dependence on alcoholic beverages, leading to physical and psychological harm and impaired social and vocational functioning. For those who didn't know, alcoholism is a disease. Like other diseases it is chronic, meaning tha...
The Wonder Drug? In today's society we believe in a quick fix in anything that ails us society. Most Americans want to be healed quickly; we want a quick fix for all our aches and pains. There is a fairly new drug on the market that ...
Anabolic Athletes Drugs in sports can cost a player his or her scholarship(s) and more seriously, their lives. Everyday athletes that you may not think are doing anabolic steroids or the human growth hormone are the athletes who are the big users. 1. There are three major performance-enhancing dru...
Substance abuse and addiction are major problems in society today. Every segment of society, regardless of race, gender, or age is affected. Some of the substances that are used grow naturally, where as others are manufactured illicitly or even legitimately in laboratories. They may be smoked, inhal...
Drug use is defined as \"The use of a natural or chemical agent that alters the state of mind or the way the brain functions\" by Webster\'s Dictionary. As is blatantly obvious to all humans who have eyes and ears drug use has spread dramatically to all steps of human life. The overuse of drugs has ...
Cigarettes - Addiction and Product Dangers It is clear that businesses have an obligation to inform their customers about their product's ingredients and dangers. Looking at the case of Rose Cipollone we see that she was a heavy smoker. Her doctor's had to remove part of her right ca...