319 Results for cause and effect

any pregnant women are not aware of the complications that are involved with pregnancy. The greater majority of young women see pregnancy as a way of bringing a life into the world but do not use precaution in their dietary habits to prevent the destruction or inhibition of such a life. Most pregna...
Effective Communication As I have learned from this course, in order to become successful in your career today, you must have a very good understanding of the various ways in which people interact and communicate with one another. It is critical that good leaders display the ability to effectiv...
The Greenhouse Effect is a naturally occurring process that has occurred on Earth for millions of years. For ages it has helped to keep the temperature of our planet much warmer than it would otherwise be- about sixty degrees warmer than it would otherwise be. Thanks to the Greenhouse Effect, living...
"War! Good God ya'll! What is it good for?! Absolutely nothing! Listen to me!" To whomever have heard the lyrics of Edwin Starr's War is likely to have had some opinion formulated about how war is a destructive force in itself. In a world where power is absolute and idolized like an omnipotent force...
In the late Eighteenth Century there existed a great debate between the most prominent philosophic and political thinkers of the age. The topic of the debate would ultimately change the face of the United States of America into the country that we live in today. The landscape of the nation was ver...
Causes Of Civil War As members of the Futurist of America Association, we have been assigned to look specifically at the cause of the American Civil #War. There are five aspects that could of led to the Civil War and they are Westward Movement, Social Change, Froeign Policy Development, Gover...
Effects of the Media on Women's Body Image Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In the eyes of society, women like Pamela Anderson, Tyra Banks and Carmen Electra are the epitome of perfection. What girl would not want to be just like them? Every year, millions of people are hurting themse...
Terrorism is a major problem facing our nation and when the media report terrorist actions they just enhance the problem to a larger scale. "If the media were not there to report terrorist acts and to explain their political and social significance... terrorism as such would cease to exist," said Jo...
Recreational use of marijuana has been going on for many years, and like cigarettes many people refuse to listen to health reports. More and more reports are coming out on the effects of marijuana on the body. Just how harmful marijuana can be is questionable. Some health reports state ...
In this paper, evidence will show how ozone layer depletion is a problem. Harmful chemicals, produced by man, and nature, effect the ozone layer, a part of the earth\'s atmosphere. The earth has environmental problems, and ozone layer depletion is just one of them. The ozone layer is a layer of ir...
Global change has become a popular word in scientific debates on long-range structural change in the earth's ecology. Globalization has in the past played a major role in the controversial environmental debates. Many problems resulted in this area of discussion, in regard to the intricate l...
Aldous Huxley once said, "...every cause is also an effect, and every effect is at the same time a cause." The Federalists wanted us all to be united; many different states that make up one great country with a central government to watch over them. They wanted organization for our nation and they...
Sputnik and Its Effects on America When the Soviet Union launched the sputnik in 1957, the United States was changed in many ways such as Education, Daily life, the acceleration of the United States' plan for their program and the effects of the cold war. There were many precautions...
Media Coverage of Reduction of Sea Ice in the Arctic The arctic region of the northern hemisphere is a sparsely populated part of the world. It is home to a wide variety of wildlife that has adapted to the harsh environment, which is covered by snow and ice for the majority of the year. Throug...
One of the most influential aspects of business is marketing. Almost always, the success of a product or idea is based upon the marketing techniques. An average person living in North America is a constant target of marketing throughout the day. Many advertisements experienced by the average person ...
Animal experimentation has been practiced for centuries to further our knowledge of the workings of the human body and to find cures for diseases (Chang 1998, para 1) . There is much contention in regard to animal testing despite its longtime practice in the United States and beyon...
The Cause Of The Civil War: Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin During the period between 1790 and 1850, the United States was rapidly changing. It was now a separate country with its own economy, laws, and government. The country was learning to live on its own, apart from England. There began to appear a ri...
Many women of today's society are under high stress. They may seem publicly confident but secretly they feel a sense of failure, vulnerability, exhaustion, being overwhelmed, and defeat by society. Part of being a woman is the acceptance that, in fact, one day our age will catch up to us and we wi...
Dave Fleming Michael Pratt Com 112-03 9 November, 1999 Proposal Argument The Y2K Horror Over the years, the technological world has advanced rapidly, and humans have come to rely on computers for just about every aspect of daily life from education, to communication, to banking, to electri...
Virtually every major program designed to address the underlying causes of violence and to support the poor, vulnerable, powerless victims of crime is being cut even further to the bone... In this context, the proposition that the death penalty is a needed addition to our arsenal of weapons lacks cr...
Teen pregnancy is a major issue in the United States of America. Teen pregnancy rates in the United States are twice as high as they are in other developed nations such as England, Whales and Canada and nine times as high as Japan and the Netherlands. The U.S. national campaign to prevent teen pregn...
Drugs are used everyday by people in many different ways for many different reasons. Marijuana is a drug that is used today more than any other drug. Marijuana is a drug obtained from dried and crumpled parts of the ubiquitous hemp plant called Cannabis Sativa. Marijuana has been required for variou...
The economy is affected by many factors that determine if it is strong or weak. These factors have to do with buyers consuming goods and services and at what rate they do this. Do the goods and services that are consumed by people created wealth, jobs and a better overall economy for a country. Th...
Beware! America is being invaded by aliens! Not the little, green, martian type you see in science fiction movies, but the real thing. I am talking about the illegal type who come in every day and every night, by land and by sea. Estimates have shown that as many as 500,000 illegal aliens make it ac...
The Good and the Bad of Globalization Globalization has had a profound effect on many aspects on the current society, such as warfare and economy. Some experts believe that these influences are mostly positive, whereas critics of globalization believe that the affects are mostly negative. An exa...