7 Results for cloning

There are many scientific benefits to cloning. Cloning is defined as the making of a precise copy of a molecule, cell, or individual plan or animal. The scientific benefits of cloning are endless and know no boundaries. The reason that it knows no boundaries is because not all forms of cloning a...
Cloning: Problems and Controversies Human and Animal Cloning has been a big issue over the last few years. Thought the processes and procedures have been in testing for over a hundred year. The first Cloned animals were frogs in the 1950's (Daniel Cohen 12). The techniques ...
A clone is an organism, or group of organisms derived from another organism by an asexual (nonsexual) reproductive process. A group of cells stemming from a single cell is also called a clone. Usually the members of a clone are identical in their inherited characteristics. An example of clone is ide...
A sheep named Dolly, a kitten named Cc, and a monkey named Andi are three different animals which look and act exactly like every other member of their species. However, the way these animals came to exist differs greatly. Dolly, Cc, and Andi were all brought into this world by a controversial techn...
The Positive Effects of Gene Altering Since the beginning of the human race, we have been looking. We have been looking for ways to make our lives healthier, more comfortable, and happier. In the beginning it was simple rocks, plants, and fires. As our technology advanced so did the comfort of...
Molecular Biotechnology in Our Life If you have had a can of soft drink, ate a fruit, or took some head ache medicine this morning - then it's very likely you have used a genetically enhanced product. Genetics is a part of biotechnology that manipulates biological organisms to make products...
During the past decade, genetic engineering has been a very controversial issue facing our world that ultimately questions our power as humans to control nature. Genetic engineering has many potential benefits, such as curing all diseases, growing more food, and altering our genes, but these advanta...