9 Results for death penalty

History of the American Drug War The first act of America's anti-drug laws was in 1875. It outlawed the smoking of opium in opium dens. This was a San Francisco ordinance. The basis on passing this law was that Chinese men had a way of luring white women to their dens and causing their "ruin"...
It is obvious that illegal drugs have become a major cause for concern in North America. It is becoming increasingly difficult to fight the war on drugs since many substances are readily available to anyone who can afford them. According to the PFDA, Partnership for a Drug-Free America, the average...
INTRODUCTION Imagine living in a world without parents, a place full of faceless human clones. This is the society portrayed in Aldous Huxley's 1932 novel, "Brave New World". Huxley describes a futuristic "Utopia" that has an alarming effect of dehumanization. In this world,...
Drug use is generally defined as the use of a drug with such frequency that the user has physical or mental harm or it impairs social abilities. The substances that are discussed in this report consist of hallucinogens, opiates, stimulants, and depressants. These drugs affect moods, e...
There is considerable debate about the role that the Criminal Justice system should play in the control of illicit drug use (Study Guide 1001CCJ 2003, p.69). The Australian drug policy currently operates within a prohibition model, which states that the production, distribution and use of illicit dr...
Currently, drugs remain high on the agenda\'s of politicians, and drugs are considered one of the major problems affecting our country. I believe that the negative effects associated with drugs would be reduced greatly if the United States adopted a policy towards the total legalization of marijuana...
When people think of Hollywood and classic movies, one of the names that first pops up in discussion is Judy Garland. Judy Garland is a timeless actress who will always be remembered for her illustrious career. Along with this brilliant career came the illusion of the "perfect woman" w...
Specific issues, such as the controversy surrounding the use of marijuana have throughout recorded history increasingly been looked at from different points of view. Our beliefs concerning the non-medical use of drugs, more specifically marijuana, have largely been dependent on what type of informa...
Chris SearlsPublic PolicyDrug ProhibitionUnder the United States Constitution the federal government is charged with the responsibilities to protect our individual, as well as collective, rights to life and liberty. Often times this charge leads the various branches of the federal government to cre...