3 Results for e commerce

"The best way to appreciete the metris and consequences of being digital is to reflect on the diffrence between bits and atoms" (p:11)says Negroponte. A bit is the smallest part of the information and composed of 0 and 1. To digitize any information it needs to be writen in 1 and 0. ...
Geoffrey GravesMG3700 Mid Term Exam 4/24/2000Part I1.) In order to produce an upwards swing in revenue, Toy World must track its customer's buying trends with more accuracy and more detail. The Point of Sale system that they are currently working from can be improved and made to reduce af...
THE COMPUTER HARDWARE INDUSTRY Executive Summary: The computer industry is capital intensive and technologically driven and can be divided into three main segments; the supercomputer, mainframe, and personal computer. There have been several factors that have impacted the computer indust...