5 Results for internet

Government Intervention of the Internet E-mail and Internet communications are not secure or anonymous, System Administrators and fourteen year-old hackers alike can pry into your personal or corporate mail. Others can read anything you send. Communicating by e-mail has been compared ...
Ensuring Your Privacy "Privacy. There seems to be no legal issue today that cuts so wide a swath through conflicts confronting American society. From AIDS tests to wiretaps, polygraph tests to computerized data bases, the common denominator has been whe...
Complexity Theory - Cryptography by: Chuck Introduction One important, yet practical, application of complexity theory is cryptography. It has become one of the main tools for privacy, trust, electronic payments, and other forms of security. It is no longer just a military tool and the ad...
Information, whether it is intelligence gathered during war or a person's credit card number transmitted for an online transaction, has proven to be a valuable asset in all functions of society. The nature of some information requires that it is will guarded and that it doesn't fall into the wrong h...
PGP stands for "Pretty Good Privacy." It is an encryption program. What encryption does is hide information from people who do not know the "secret word" to reveal the information. Louis J. Freeh, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, says the honest have nothing to hide, and only c...