7 Results for mathematics

James Russell Lowell stated, "Education is an ornament in prosperity, and a refuge in adversity." (Hurtford, 55)Lowell indicates that education is where there is success, and a safe haven where this is hardship. Educators once thought that dyslexic children could not succeed or have an ed...
What is the purpose of an education? Why do we need to go to school? Questions like these are ones that I used to ask myself. Now finally, 30 years later, I think I have the answers. So what is an education? An education can be defined as, a social process by which, skills, beliefs, attitudes a...
Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most compelling education theories I have ever read. After reading it the first time my first reaction was to compare all the teachers, I had from nursery to my college years. I asked myself who among my teachers were banking method te...
Living in a society where technology is virtually unavoidable, it is inevitable that tasks that have been done in the past will need to be altered in order to accommodate the fast-paced, technologically enhanced world that we live in. Our every day tasks have changed in one way or another due to te...
If I Were In Charge For me, the term "educated" means to be well rounded not only in the necessary scholarly subjects such as Math, English, History/Geography, and the Sciences, but in the problems that can face us in every-day life. "To be educated" isn't just a phrase t...
LEARNING PORTRAITThis is a portrait of my capability as a learner. How do I do it? How do I keep track of all of the information and knowledge that has come to me throughout my lifetime? How do I break it down and process it? How do I compensate in the areas where I am lacking? My purpose here...
The big controversy in education today is the way children are taught. Many of the same arguments that are made regarding what is taught can also be made regarding how it is taught. Theories of educational psychology are attempts to describe how people behave in satisfying their physical and psychol...