3 Results for oil

Acid rain is rain that is more acidic than normal. Acid rain is a complicated problem. Primarily caused by air pollution, acid rain\'s spread and damage involve weather, chemistry, soil, and the life cycles of plants and animals on the land and in lakes and streams. This form of air pollution is ...
One of the formal definitions of air pollution is as follows – 'The presence in the atmosphere of one or more contaminants in such quality and for such duration as is injurious, or tends to be injurious, to human health or welfare, animal or plant life.' It is the contamination of a...
IntroductionSince the beginning of time, humans have learned to make use of many things in nature such as fire and electricity. From the early times through the Industrial Revolution to the Space Age, humans have produced inventions that use many of the earth's varied energy resources to make living...