8 Results for robotics

Technology in the future What the future will be like? This question worried and is worrying people. We know almost everything about the past; it has been written a lot of books about the past. Future does not program. We can only conjecture what the future will be like. Now, we live in the world o...
Resistance to Technology Technology. What would we do without it? Probably have a lot less fun and have a lot shorter life span. Think about it, you couldn't watch Dawson's Creek or Friends every week. That would mean that the lives of millions of teenage girls in America woul...
Technology is a wonderful thing, because there are so many ways we can put it to use. We can use it destructively or let it do our dirty work. In the last century we put our technology into computers. They have been a great use to us in terms of finding information, communicating, writing, drawing, ...
Over the past year there has been vast improvements political or economical event The 90’s has been a decade full of controversial and world changing events. The first one I could think of would have to be the Persian Gulf War with Iraq. I think that war brought together the United States, sto...
Electronic communications, has been having an affect on humanity and our quality of life, but how? Electronic communications is such a broad subject that includes cellular phones, computers, internet, e-mail, and DVD's just to name a few. I focused on cellular phones, internet and DVD's. A...
Internet-Changing the Way We Do Business Today most of everything has been replaced by some form of technology. Many people have lost their jobs due to a change in technology. When will these technological advances stop? Will everyone have to be replaced by robots or computers? How far ...
Technology's affect on the American FamilyAs a child, I remember seeing programs on one of the six channels we received on television. Sometimes it was animated, sometimes it appeared to be footage at some sort of inventors' convention, but the shows featured the 'Products Of The Future'. Most of ...
In the article Cybergrace: The Search for God in the Digital World,± Jennifer Cobb wonders if a collective and self-reflective intelligence, God± isn't embodying itself in cyberspace. She observes the God-like nature that humans may gain in cyberspace and warns that we must proceed with caution. T...