4 Results for Baseballs

Even the occasional fan has heard of Jackie Robinson. Because he was the first African American to play in the Major Leagues, he will forever be remembered for changing the face of baseball and ending segregation in professional sports. However, he was more than a baseball player. He played an i...
Jackie Robinson: His Contribution to SportsThere was once a time when Goliath white men roamed the earth. They had names similar to Boog, Harmon, and Moose (Richmond 184). They wandered throughout the empty countryside carrying wooden sticks, smacking harsh fastballs delivered by pitchers with names...
Once upon a time, in a small town near Birmingham, there lived a regular black family who was struggling for their lives in a hostile society. With three kids, Jimmy Bruce, and Kiki, the father and mother, Jarome and Martha, were subjected into working hard for their children. Not many black familie...
Their Eye Were Watching GodThe Liberation of Souls Through the Quest of Dreams: Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching GodAfter the Civil War and the emancipation of the slaves, the ex-slaves could not find enough good work to earn a living. Jim Crow laws were installed to push blacks further...