25 Results for Italian

The rise of Fascism "There is nothing more powerful than an idea that has come into its own" This generalization reflects the concept of fascism. The idea of fascism spread like wildfire in European countries. Benito Mussolini was able to have full control of country with the use of...
The seizure of power in Germany and Italy by fascist movements in the 1920s and 1930s was based on a weak and inexperienced government and the humiliation of both countries by the winning powers (United States, France, and Great Britain) after the Great War. These totalitarian right wing movements f...
At this point in 1930 it would be difficult to switch from fascism. For the past decade fascist ideas have constantly been reiterated in almost every aspect of society and it has become a part of every Italian's life. Democracy would have worked if we had kept it going in the right direction ...
Benito Mussolini 1883-1945 Benito Mussolini was born on July 29th 1883 in northeast Italy, he was named after Benito Juarez, a famous Mexican patriot and hero. His Father was a Blacksmith and his mother was a schoolteacher. Mussolini had one younger brother and one younger sister. The Mussolini&a...
IntroductionWhoever had the crazy idea of dyeing Miss Tierney's hair blonde? Had the world gone mad? Whatever the reason, playing the part of an Italian village girl with platinum blonde hair can have done little to further Gene's career, especially since she does not even attempt an Italian accent,...
The rise of totalitarianism, to some historians, was a logical process, but still has caused much discussion over the years. Many prominent dictators had fulfilled the yardsticks of totalitarianism to a large extent and one of these yardsticks is the use of propaganda. As for many of the yardsticks...
Amarcord Federico Fellini History can be interpreted in many different ways. It can be viewed from different perspectives and retold in many different voices. The beauty of it all is that historic events, as beautiful or disastrous as they may be, affect people on the individual level. An ar...
BENITO MUSSOLINI Benito Mussolini was an ambitious dictator who started Fascism. He was a dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943.He was the kind of person who needed to prove himself to others and later became the most important supporter of the Fascist movement. Mussolini was also a writer and in h...
Mussolini's Rule of Italy Mussolini ruled Italy between 1923 and 1939. Many important things happened during this time. In 1922, Mussolini organized the march to Rome. 26,000 "blackshirts" marched to Rome and threatened the Italian King Emmanuel II. The King a...
The Italian public had always loved a leader taking action and uses violence, previously before Mussolini and fascism, a man called D'annunzio had tried to clam a city called Fiumie with a seize, even though he didn't gain much from this what could only be seen as a side show; Mussolini s...
The first things that come to mind when the names Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler are mentioned are the cruel, tyrannical, inhumane acts they committed against their own people, and people of other nationalities. But, what one fails to see is the public works they sponsored, the ways they modernized th...
FASCISM Fascism is a political system characterized by totalitarianism and a complete rejection of democratic institutions, values and procedures. The basic institutions made use of by fascism are the Leader (or dictator), the one-party state, total regimentation of economic and social activ...
Fascism Fascism is defined as a system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. Fascism takes many forms, but de...
Benito Mussolini, the great fascist dictator of Italy during World War II was a leader people changed their views on. Benito Mussolini was a leader that people changed their feelings from love to hate in a matter of no time at all. Benito Mussolini rise and fall of power happened in a sequence of ...
The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations were major contributing factors into the rise of totalitarian dictatorships, especially in Europe, following the First World War. The symptoms of the treaty led to hostilities in most of Europe, and the lack of power propagated throughout Europe by...
Life is Beautiful (LaVitta È Bella) Summary Set during 1938 (the Nazi era), in the land of Fascist Italy, there was a man named Guido who was then with his friend Ferrucio. Guido came to Italy for his dream of establishing his own bookstore. Upon reaching the city, they had several misadvent...
Throughout Europe around the time of World War II, there were many countries who became totalitarian. Specifically, Italy, Germany, and Russia evolved new government systems as a result of many factors, some from World War I.Italy converted to their government of Fascism for many reasons. During Wor...
Benito Mussolini was an early socialist who later supported the concept of totalitarianism, a method of political practice and the execution of power. He also encouraged the idea of fascism, absolute authority of the state in ancient Rome. The few factors which brought Mussolini to power in Italy in...
There are those wordsmiths in our great society who, when they don't like the connotative meaning of a word, simply change the meaning of the word to suit their purposes. This has been done incrementally and successfully for the last several decades. The political radicals of the 1960's co...
Fascist Consolidation Mussolini in Power faced problem a minority PM (prime minister) he had to manufactured report. He did not come to power as result of a popular majority. The Acerbolaw July 1923 Mussolini offered order in society means unity. The acerbolaw made by Gia Como ...
Even though George Orwell's mind-numbing novel 1984 was written in 1929, he accurately predicted some societies outcome of a totalitarianism government. In the book 1984, Winston Smith, a low member of the ruling party, lived and matured with the concept of a totalitarian government. The same totali...
Fascisms in Germany and Italy Oliver Bleich Mrs. Howell Modern European History 5/22/00 Fascism in Germany and Italy Germany and Italy rose up under new leaders with a new type of governing policy. However, the same policies that caused growth lead to eventual collapse of these nations. Fascism grew...
Oliver BleichMrs. HowellModern European History5/22/00Fascism in Germany and Italy Germany and Italy rose up under new leaders with a new type of governing policy. However, the same policies that caused growth lead to eventual collapse of these nations. Fascism grew because of extreme nationalism, f...
In modern times, no dictator can take total power by force alone. In order to gain support, they must offer something beneficial to the people. Unfortunately what is thought to be beneficial can be extremely harmful and cruel. Three specific dictators during the World War II period were Mussolini...
Causes of World War IThe assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand triggered World War I. However, the war had its origins in developments in the 1800's. The chief causes of World War I were the European Alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and militarism. The alliance system was one of the la...