13 Results for Latin

What Were the Prime Motivations in the Conduct of US Foreign Policy From 1898-1941? Primarily the United States entered the world political spectrum following its comprehensive victory over Spain in the Spanish-American War (1895-1898) and it was to prove the forbearer of American foreign polic...
Diversity! According to Encarta's online dictionary, the definition identifies diversity as a variety of something such as opinion, color, or style. Perhaps this explanation best suited this high powered drama as diversity observed, explained, and adversely affected the lives of people along...
After the First World War America was a completely different country. The twenties were a very unusual time period in American History. There are many reasons why it was called the Roaring Twenties. Most of the American people were living a great life and were able to afford luxury items; even t...
The Disuniting of America Reflections on a Multicultural Society By Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. After reading the book than Shlesinger realizes, I have to say that it was interesting and admit that I agree with most of the views about multicultural society and mult...
In 1892, farmers fed up with the laissez faire attitude of the Federal Government,the falling prices of the goods they worked so hard to produce, and the hole ofdebt they were digging themselves into, farmers in the Midwest formed thePopulist Party. Their main goals consisted of reducing tariffs, a...
Banning Prayer in Schools When schools first opened hundreds of years ago prayer was always enforced, and the Bible was the only book most schools had to read. Our first constitutional right states that we have the right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and as our right the go...
Evolution of Container Shipping This report will provide information about containers and the shipment of containers in the past and present. It will tell how the idea of shipping goods in containers came about and how those ideas have progressed into what is now known as the container fleet of t...
America prides itself on the fact that every child in this nation is entitled to a free and well rounded education. This was not always the case. The establishment of schooling systems within America, was an evolutionary process. Each region in the country began with a system which suited them, w...
"It is America's music – born out of a million American negotiations: between having and not having; between happy and sad, country and city; between black and white and men and women; between the Old Africa and the Old Europe – which could only have happened in an entirely new...
Presently our nation is faced with quite a few controversial issues. One of which I feel particularly strongly about, is gun control. I do not support the notion of stronger gun control in America. Gun control breeches our constitutional rights as citizens, leaves us defenseless against criminals...
Marijuana-The Perfect Plant?Prior to the twentieth century, the marijuana plant (then more commonly referred to as hemp) was the single most important industrial plant, or non-food producing crop in America and the world (Getpman 1990). Archeologists report that marijuana was possibly the first plan...
IntroductionFor my first paper, I want to write about women in the American colonies. I want to give a picture how can they survive in a strange new world across the Atlantic far away from their own mother country. I also want answer the question: "Did women have a greater freedom in the colonies th...
What were the reasons for the decline of Catholicism in America since 1945 (oral)Picture this if you will. In the beginning (being 1945) god created a shepherd (the Catholic Church) in which we the sheep followed blindly. Everywhere the shepherd took us, we would follow without complaint. A sheep da...