13 Results for Latin

Queen Elizabeth & Her Explorers(1558-1603) Princess Elizabeth, a slender, athletic, extremely intelligent young woman, recieved an ideal Rennaissance education in Latin, Greek and modern languages, in history and Scripture. As Henry VIII's second eldest child, shunted back to third in line for the ...
Great Britain has a very diversified and complex school system, which has been undergoing frequent changes and reforms. However, there are still many controversies concerning the structure of the education system, one of them being the organization and availability of independent schools. There are ...
The history of the English language is very closely tied to the history of the people who speak it. Whenever something happened that affected the people or culture, the language changes also. Everything affects the language, from the oldest culture to the newest civilization. The world of ancient Br...
In 'Translations', Brian Friel explores the nature and the use of language, its immense value as well as its limitations. One large theme he develops is the relationship between language, culture and identity, and the dilemma that is caused as a result. The play charts the tragic relatio...
By 1600, international trade routes, which had been centered around the Mediterranean Sea for centuries, were almost entirely based around Northern Atlantic countries like Spain, France, and England. The economic explosion and widespread circulation of money that came with this were accompanied by ...
The nature of the religion of the Germanic settlers is a very difficult subject, since it has to be pieced together from odd references from classical times and later Christian writings which obviously did not want to promote Pagan beliefs. Many modern historians look at the fact that four days of ...
As most know, Pinocchio is a very curious boy. And, being fairly new to the world, Pinocchio is learning new things everyday. But besides learning how fast cars go and why bees sting, Pinocchio is learning new words everyday. And it was one day Pinocchio asked his good pal Jimminy Cricket, "Where do...
Evolution of Container Shipping This report will provide information about containers and the shipment of containers in the past and present. It will tell how the idea of shipping goods in containers came about and how those ideas have progressed into what is now known as the container fleet of t...
In Samuel Butler's Erewhon, a traveler finds a land that is not totally unlike his own society, but he soon discovers that they have a very different culture from his. By using the failings of Erewhonian society, the author draws the reader's attention to flaws of his own society. This d...
Was there an 'Elizabethan Settlement' of religion? The issue of religion had been a long standing problem throughout Tudor England. For more than 60 years the two opposing beliefs struggled to dominate the realm depending on what the monarch believed in. Henry VIII initially al...
Early History The history of Algebra begins in Egypt, Babylon, and India. Although it was in these areas that the roots of Algebra began, the message and teachings of it would eventually spread throughout the world. The Arabs first practiced this mathematical form, and they are given credit for ...
A professor at the University of London, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Political Sciences and Humanities, George Modelski; writes "Globalization is a process along three dimensions: formation of world opinion, democratization, and political globalization." Arnold Toynbee's essay "For th...
IntroductionFor my first paper, I want to write about women in the American colonies. I want to give a picture how can they survive in a strange new world across the Atlantic far away from their own mother country. I also want answer the question: "Did women have a greater freedom in the colonies th...