15 Results for Spanish

The Spanish Armada is one of the most famous wars in history. It was between the Spanish and English. It lasted from 1588 until 1604. The Spanish captains were the Duke of Medina Sidonia and the Duke of Parma. The English captains were Lord Admiral Howard and Sir Francis Drake. At the time of the...
The year 1607 marked an important event in English history. Jamestown, the first colony in America, was set up on an inland peninsula of Chesapeake Bay by English people. Later, the Pilgrims\' Mayflower reached by accident to a place called Massachusetts Bay, and settled in the town called Plymouth;...
King Philip's War: An Exercise In Failure In 1675, the Algonquian Indians rose up in fury against the Puritan Colonists, sparking a violent conflict that engulfed all of Southern New England. From this conflict ensued the most merciless and blood stricken war in American history, tearing fles...
Queen Elizabeth & Her Explorers(1558-1603) Princess Elizabeth, a slender, athletic, extremely intelligent young woman, recieved an ideal Rennaissance education in Latin, Greek and modern languages, in history and Scripture. As Henry VIII's second eldest child, shunted back to third in line for the ...
You English Source for News. Third Edition New Census indicates Scurvy epidemic Subjects of England, we have just experience our second famine which left thousand of Englishmen dead; moreover Oxford University conducted a census which underscores nutrition habits. The census revealed that ther...
When Christopher Columbus first landed on the island of Hispaniola, he had no concept of what his voyage had discovered. A New World; with boundless land and new frontiers for exploration. Political issues and mighty Spain prevented England from venturing into New World colonization. In 1584, Sir Wa...
The victory over the Spanish Armada left England with a window of opportunity to explore the unchartered "New World." Many set off to sea in search of a future unknown. As a result of this opportunity, English settlement of the North America became inevitable in the late 1500's and ea...
English Linguistics Words and word-formation processes in the English Language1. IntroductionIn our daily use of language we often are not aware of word-formation processeswhich create, invent, produce or form new words in a language. Most of the times we have no problems w...
Was there an 'Elizabethan Settlement' of religion? The issue of religion had been a long standing problem throughout Tudor England. For more than 60 years the two opposing beliefs struggled to dominate the realm depending on what the monarch believed in. Henry VIII initially al...
Great Britain has a very diversified and complex school system, which has been undergoing frequent changes and reforms. However, there are still many controversies concerning the structure of the education system, one of them being the organization and availability of independent schools. There are ...
Religion Through the Ages Has Both Unified and Divided Civilizations Internally and Externally The role religion plays in world history is, at best, tremendous. Through the ages, religion has both unified and divided civilizations often bringing extreme human casualty, in the case of division, or ...
The history of the English language is very closely tied to the history of the people who speak it. Whenever something happened that affected the people or culture, the language changes also. Everything affects the language, from the oldest culture to the newest civilization. The world of ancient Br...
The American RevolutionThere is much controversy about how and why the American Revolutionary war took place. As I studied and pondered this crucial event that took place in our nation's past, I came to the conclusion that this war contained many battles within. The American Revolutionary war was...
There comes a time when a student outperforms his teacher, this is also the case in the colonization of the American Continent. It took a while for the inhabitants to realize that they were better off without the British monarchy, but the colonists did not realize this immediately; it took years of...
There were various reasons why the American Colonies were established. The three most important themes of English colonization of America were religion, economics, and government. The most important reasons for colonization were to seek refuge, religious freedom, and economic opportunity. To a lesse...