4 Results for Spanish

At the beginning of the fifteenth century, the world was a quite small place for Europeans. While they knew about China and Southern Africa, their worldview was still focused on Europe and the Mediterranean. Within 200 years, Europe would be almost all over the world with settlement on various conti...
The Aztecs were the last great empire of the native people of Mexico. They had an amazing society that was destroyed and almost lost. Tenochtitlan was one of the most amazing cities in existence during its time, and definitely one of the largest. I would have loved to see Tenochtitlan as it was d...
"You do not lead by hitting people over the head that's assault, not leadership" quoted by Dwight D. Eisenhower. This quote describes how Montezuma, the last independent Aztec ruler, and the greatest leader of the Aztecs, treated his Aztec people before the Spaniards conquest and domination o...
The Olmec, Maya, and Aztec were dominating societies of Mesoamerica, rich in culture, community, and art. While life may not be completely interpretable yet, much in known about how these societies were constructed, and how their religion dominated their lives. Much is generally made of their m...