38 Results for Spanish

War of Deception Newspapers are a major influence on the way people perceive the world. It is a source which connects readers to many different topics of interest. Newspapers have also become a competitive business. With a desire to increase circulation and obtain more advertising re...
United States foreign policy from 1890-1914 was principally guided by economic motives. This is seen in such actions as the annexation of Hawaii, freeing Cuba from Spanish rule, and the Open Door Policy in China. These three actions, while coming across as military or religious, all began from eco...
Theodore Roosevelt was a fighter. "If it were righteous, he fought for it; if it was evil, he hurled the full weight of his personality against it. He never capitulated, never sidestepped, never fought foul. He carried the fight to the enemy" (Howland, pg. 1). Although Roosevelt was well known ...
In the beginning of the movie Amistad, slave hunters abducted a large group of Africans from Sierra Leone in Africa and shipped them to Cuba to be traded. The Africans were purchased by Spanish men and put aboard a ship called Amistad. This abduction and trade violated treaties that then existed, be...
Imperialism and Its Motives Imperialism began to grow just before the turn of the twentieth century. During this time America's businesses were growing and need more markets. The United States was becoming a world power, and with that some people felt there came obligations. The Un...
The U.S. has always seemed to be up to its neck in foreign policy, and 1898-1945 was no exception. The Spanish-American war was the starting point of U.S. foreign policy and World War II was the ending point for the U.S.'s foreign policy of this time period. Along with those wars and World Wa...
The Rough Riders' charge up San Juan Hill on July 1,1898 was the most famous moment of the Spanish-American War, a conflict that has come down in history as "a splendid little war." It was the event that thrust Colonel Theodore Roosevelt - who had resigned his position as secretary of the Navy to fo...
The Spanish-American War led America into the modern era. When President Teddy Roosevelt left the White House to lead the charge on San Juan Hill, it was a dramatic moment. The Spanish American War victory gave America possession of Cuba, the Philippines, Panama and the Virgin Islands. Once in co...
The Spanish-American War led America into the modern era. When President Teddy Roosevelt left the White House to lead the charge on San Juan Hill, it was a dramatic moment. The Spanish American War victory gave America possession of Cuba, the Philippines, Panama and the Virgin Islands. Once in c...
Andrew Jackson and his policies strengthened the new American nationalism. Through his actions during his presidency, he changed the nation into a more nationalistic country. Jackson was a man of the people, and he strongly felt that the common man was the power behind government. There were many di...
President Andrew Jackson was a man of the people, and he strongly felt that the common man was the true power behind the government. There were many different aspects that mirrored Jackson and American nationalism. Many factors, including his personality, his policies, his actions, and the way he mi...
With all of the problems in today's society, it is great to know that we have one great thing going for us. That would be the talented men and women of our government. The powerful president, senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, and other politicians work together to keep this country it&a...
Indian Policy: In 1881, President Chester Arthur said that the U.S. had to deal with "the appalling fact that though thousands of lives have been sacrificed and hundreds of millions of dollars" have been spent on "the Indian problem," nothing has been permanent or satisfactory. A...
After reading the Davidson and Lytle article entitled "USDA Government Inspected", I was not at all surprised or shocked at what I had read. The purpose of the article was to express to the reader that history is not always easily captured. There are instances where myths and symbols ...
War In Literature In war soldiers go through traumatizing experiences. Some go insane in battle, those who live through the war often suffer from post war syndrome. They wonder daily whether they are going to live or die, and how their wife and family are. Many often hope for a "cushy&q...
James Monroe was born on April 28, 1758, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was the son of Spence and Elizabeth Monroe. He attended the College of William and Mary at the young age of 16. After two years of college, in 1776 he left and joined the Third Virginia Regiment as a lieutenant. He wa...
From 1781 to 1789, the Articles of Confederation have been known to provide the United States with an ineffective form of government. Soon after the Revolutionary War in America, the Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, while a new government was being started. These Articl...
The election of 1986 is considered as one of the most important in the nation\'s history since it marked a sea change in the evolution of the modern presidency. Though the status of this election was unclear, it is frequently considered as a realigning election that stands for a serious difference...
In a time when the country was still as vulnerable as a newborn baby, the United States was already undergoing the stresses of the world. Since the country wasn't a major player in the international scene at first there wasn't as much of a worry as it later came to be. Later on when Franc...
Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans The great country of the United States did not just appear over night. Many hours, days, and years of study and decisions have taken place to bring these country were it is today. Difference had to be settled, and dents worked out of the governme...
Terrorism Since the disastrous day of September 11, 2001, the United States as well as the rest of the world has been changed indefinitely by senseless acts of terrorism. These acts have gravely impacted the lives of so many people world wide and especially here at home in the USA. From that...
James Monroe was the fifth president of the United States (1817-1825) and the last of the so-called Virginia dynasty of U.S. presidents. Monroe was president during the Era of Good Feelings. He gave lots of good impressions on people. One lady said about him: "He is tall and well formed. His d...
Theodore Roosevelt American History Chickasha High School Mr. Solomon April 16, 1998 Second period Robert White Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United states Was the youngest President in the nations history. he took offi...
DBQ Articles of Confederation An effective government is one that will responsibly carry out and defend the wishes and rights of the people, while keeping the country stable and strong. Between the years of 1781 and 1789 the Articles of Confederation failed to provide the United States with an e...
~The Rough Riders~ What comes to mind when someone mentions the name "Rough Riders"? Most people think of dirt covered cowboys that ride horses, shoot guns, and drink plenty of whiskey. Some of this is true, but for the most part these men overcame impossible obstacles and changed the course ...