6 Results for a farewell to arms

A Farewell To Arms: Love and WarClaimed by critics as one of the greatest love and war stories ofall time, A Farewell To Arms is Ernest Hemingway's intense yetsimple take of two young lovers who meet during the chaos of W.W.Iand the relationship that endures until it's tragic end. A Farewell ToArms ...
Critical Analysis The Old Man and the Sea- "Santiago displays all of the characteristics Hemingway's stoical hero is supposed to possess. He fights the attacking sharks not to save the remaining carcass of a marlin without commercial value, but as a sign of love and respect for his f...
The Lottery Throughout the short story The Lottery, Shirley Jackson foreshadows a gruesome ending to the ambiguous "lottery" that takes place ironically, in a small and quiet town. Verbal irony, and symbolism are also used throughout the story as Jackson exploits the over-importance of...
In the history of American literature there have been many great novels. To write a good novel there must be a great author who knows how to manipulate words and phrases to set a mood or feeling that lets the reader understand how the characters feel on a more personal level. These authors grab the...
Analysis of Hemingway ParagraphErnest Hemingway was a writer who could capture the essence of American Literature. His unique writing style and his use of imagery allowed readers to get a clear picture of what was taking place in the story. Hemingway's wording in his text could seem somewhat redun...
In Ernest Hemingway's "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber" the true character which is fit to qualify as the code hero is Francis Macomber. It is not obvious at first considering that in the story Francis is portrayed as a cowardly fearful man, as opposed to the manly and brave Wilson, who se...