5 Results for abstract art

What does the word formalism mean to you? Give a brief outline of your understanding of formalism historically and technically in the visual arts. How do you use formalism in your work? Is it a major consideration, is it a tool like any other, do you perhaps not concern yourself with such analyses. ...
The Internet has made living in today's world a lot easier. We can correspond with our friends better, gather information faster, and entertain ourselves with greater ease. This technology has become the new wave of communication and has opened so many new doors. But with this advancement in ...
"Central to the decadent movement was the view that art is totally opposed to nature, in the sense both of biological nature and of the standard, or natural, norms of morality and sexual behavior" (Abrams, 54). In "The Decay of Lying" Oscar Wilde uses his decadent ideology in a...
Art is like an onoin, it has layers upon layers creating a complex structure that when opened will make the strongest of person cry. To analyze art's structure is to box creativity, understand mystery, and harness society. Never the less art must be dissected to better understand its process and fur...
Ulysses gives a striking picture of a single day's life microscopically revealed of two middle class Irish men: Stephen Dedalus and Leopold Bloom, both residents in Dublin. Technically the work is marked in part by eccentricities in form such as the economy of the punctuation, for instance, a frankn...