13 Results for abstract art

Sophists in Greek times featured practical knowledge, which include governing and decision-making. Sophists were willing to teach anyone who could pay for their services; therefore you had to have been raised in a wealthy family in order to be included. Isocrates was a sophist and opened the first...
The Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle were among the most important and creative thinkers of the ancient world. Their treatises set forth most of the important problems and concepts of Western philosophy, psychology, logic, and politics, and their influence has remained insightful from ...
What is love? What does it feel like to fall in love or to be in love or to love somebody? These questions are pondered by many people for many centuries. There are obviously many types of love, the love that a person has for his or her parents, siblings, relatives, and pets, would be different t...
Plato's educational system is based on an ideal aristocratic society. According to Garth Kemerling's website, www.philosophypages.com (2002), Plato's aristocratic government is one that is ideally efficient. Under such a society, its guardians, the potential leaders of society, are &q...
Plato believed in educating the upper class, because they are the ones who will be running the country. He also believed in educating women and children. But he did not believe that children should be kept in a family, but should be raised by the community, put in schools together for the good of th...
When asked to complete this assignment, I had a difficult time deciding on which methodology I was to use to approach a paper on a famous philosopher. After hours of deliberation, I came to the conclusion that I was going to write on Plato. Not only was I going to write on him, I was going to att...
Page 1 Plato is one of the most famous and influential philosophers of all time. Writing several books, pertaining to many different topics. He learned his skill from the father of modern philosophy and learned it well. Effecting countless minds of his time, and many more extending all the w...
Almost everyone has heard of the two great philosophers, Plato and Aristotle. Few people though, know much about their life long achievements. Their own personal beliefs and philosophies. In order to understand them, we must fist examine the background of the two philosophers. Plato was born to...
New York Times, on Sunday, November 8, had an article on sentences addressed by a Federal judge to three members of the antigovernment Montana Freemen for conspiracy and fraud; the article stirred my memory and concern about this paper, as well as brought into play many of the di...
I. Introduction "In reality for a long time past we have been talking of justice, and have failed to recognize her," claims Plato in The Republic (153). Plato, being the brilliant philosopher that he is deals with justice and its virtues day in and day out. He is constantly questioni...
In my opinion, Socrates seems to display two strategies when he is engaged in discussions within his dialogues. The first is to show that he interlocutor has contradictory beliefs and the second is for the other to appear ignorant. These methods cause two dilemmas, the first being one of ignorance...
Plato's Meno "Can Virtue be Taught?"In Webster's New World College Dictionary virtue is defined as, "general moral excellence; right action and thinking; goodness or morality" . It appears, by Websters' standards, that virtue can easily be defined. However, the true question in Plato's "Meno" is s...
New York Times, on Sunday, November 8, had an article on sentences addressed by a Federal judge to three members of the antigovernment Montana Freemen for conspiracy and fraud; the article stirred my memory and concern about this paper, as well as brought into play many of the dilemmas discussed in ...