150 Results for acid rain

Acid rain is one of the most widely publicized environmental problems of today. It has been known for many years that the chemical content of precipitation can vary as a result of scavenging of atmospheric gases and particles. The consequences of widespread acid precipitation are adverse and benefic...
Acid rain is perhaps the most well known and recognizable form of pollution that is affecting the world today. Acidity is measured using a pH scale, with 7 being neutral. So anything below 7 is considered to be acidic, but as far as acid rain goes, the baseline for identifying acid rain is genera...
Acid Rain The concept of acid rain is often misunderstood by the vast majority of the world, however, most realize that it is a problem. The burning of fossil fuels has released pollutants into our earth's atmosphere. Once airborne, the pollutants form acidic compounds by combining with w...
Acid Rain Acid rain is a significant problem in our world today. It causes fish and plants to die in our waters as well causing harm to our own race because we eat these fish, drink this water and consume these plants. It is a problem that we must all face together and attempt to solve. However...
Acid rain is a serious problem with disastrous effects. Each day this serious problem increases, many people believe that this issue is too small to deal with right now this issue should be met head on and solved before it is too late. In the following paragraphs I will be discussing the impact ha...
Acid rain refers to all types of precipitation--rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog--that is acidic in nature. Acidic means that these forms of water have a pH lower than the 5.6 average of rainwater. Acid rain kills aquatic life, trees, crops and other vegetation, damages buildings and monuments, corrodes...
Acid Rain EssayThe topic I have chosen is acid rain and how it affects us as humans and our environment. One of the main causes of acid rain is the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, gasoline and fuel oils. These fuels send oxides of sulfur, carbon and nitrogen into the air. These oxides combi...
The definition of acid rain is rain containing acids that form in the atmosphere and combine with water, regardless of the cause. Pollution, volcanic eruptions, power-generating plants, forest fires, and even lightning bolts are causes of acid rain. Acidic rain has been measured in several locations...
Acid Rain My report is on Acid Rain. I gathered up information from many web sites for this project. This should give u more information on acid rain. I talk about hat is acid rain, who discovered it, how is acid rain created, how is it created, how can it be stopped, why is it a probelm.... and ...
The Damaging Effects of Acid Rain Modern society is becoming overwhelmed with great amounts of pollution from cars, factories and an overabundance of garbage. The immense amounts of sulphur dioxide emitted into the air causes high levels of acid in the atmosphere. When this sulphuric acid is ...
Acid rain is rain that is more acidic than normal. Acid rain is a complicated problem. Primarily caused by air pollution, acid rain\'s spread and damage involve weather, chemistry, soil, and the life cycles of plants and animals on the land and in lakes and streams. This form of air pollution is ...
Acid Rain The damaging effects of acid rain on society is becoming overwhelmed with great amounts of pollution from cars, factories and an large amounts of garbage. The immense amounts of sulphur dioxide put into the air causes high levels of acid in the atmosphere. When this sulphuric acid is...
Everyone knows that the atmosphere and the pollution in the world is very dangerous to everything and everyone. But how bad are these different things that affect us and everything around us? This paper will specifically look at the effects, global effect and the treatment on acid rain, the greenhou...
The Acid Rain Pain With scientists and so-called "experts" on the environment disagreeing on so many issues, it is easy for the public to be lost in the fray of what is truth and what is media hype. Though the term "acid rain" has been present in our society since the early...
ACID RAINTo think that when I turn on a light switch in my home in Northeast Ohio, that it's more likely than ever that someone in New York, New England or the U.S. Justice Department notices. This is a frightening thought, but one that is exactly true. The turning on of that light switch sets in mo...
Acid Rain Acid Rain Introduction Acid rain has become an environmental concern of global importance within the last decade. With the increasing environmental awareness of the "unhealthy" condition of our planet earth the concern about acid rain has not lessened. In brief, acid rain is...
ACID RAIN By Tore Johnston Imagine looking out the window in the morning and only being able to see a few blocks. It is not snow that you see neither is it heavy rain. It appears to be fog, but not regular fog, it is a harmful, acidic and ugly fog that is a result of very bad air pollution....
IntroductionSince the beginning of time, humans have learned to make use of many things in nature such as fire and electricity. From the early times through the Industrial Revolution to the Space Age, humans have produced inventions that use many of the earth's varied energy resources to make living...
What causes air pollution? Air pollution results mainly from the incomplete combustion of several fuels, such as coal, petrol, and wood. The primary sources of pollution from combustion are furnaces in factories, engines in vehicles, and the burning of trash in the form of particles or gases. Air P...
Acid Rains Scientific evidence has shown that atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen compounds can harm ecosystems. Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA or the Act) addresses the problem of such effects by mandating reductions in emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, t...
The purpose of this lab is to separate soil by setting in water to find the % of various components. In this lab I learned a lot. I learned that there is a lot more stuff to the soil than we can see; there is floating leaf litter, Sunken leaf litter, silt and sand all in a jar of soil. However, it...
As far back as human history goes, scientists today have discovered the depletion of the ozone layer and have studied how it is caused by human actions and inventions that affect our environment and style of living. As the cause of this, many changes have been taking place during the past twenty yea...
aracterPhilThe sun was setting. Far to the east, threatening black clouds arose from the fumes of pollution from the several smokestacks towering over the city. The streets were pocks marked and dented with the recent shower of acid rain. Hot boiling steam from the sewers made the temperature of day...
Seventy percent of acid rain comes from sulphur dioxide that dissolves into water to form sulphuric acid. The rest comes from various oxides of nitrogen. The cleaning of coal was originally used to reduce costs from transporting inert material and improving the quality and uniformity of coal. This p...
Many acids and bases are things that we use every day. Actually the definition of an acid is any compound that forms H+ ions in solution. I have noticed that many acids have a level of pH lower than 7. The lower the number of pH the more acidic the substance is. Everyday substances that we know of, ...