4 Results for acid rain

Today\'s lives rely on electricity, for example, in homes, in factories, and in offices. Nowadays, human beings use nuclear power for generating electricity, but there are many problems in handling nuclear waste. To build a nuclear reactor, what you need is some mildly enriched uranium. Typically, t...
Energy is one of the most fundamental qualities in our lives. Almost everything in the world is run by energy. We need electricity to turn on the lights, gas to power our cars, and energy to give us heat to warm our homes. Today, we are totally dependent on an abundant and inexhaustible supply of...
Greenpeace History The year 1996 is a year of celebration for greenpeace. They are celebrating their 25th year anniversary. Everything startde in 1969; Members were part of the ''Don't make a wave'' committee in vancouver. This committee was founded by Jim Bohlen...
The world is changing rapidly. A single technological development can lead to an infinite number of consequential developments, each of which having varying impacts on humanity. These impacts, or indicators, display the results of technological development. Climactic, economic, social, and ene...