10 Results for affirmative action

Affirmative action is a touchy subject to many people regardless of their race, nationality, gender or religion. Affirmative action is accomplished by taking positive steps to recruit, hire, train, and promote individuals from groups that have traditionally been discriminated against on the basis o...
Anti Essays : Social Issues : Affirmative Action May The Best Man Win After you graduate from college, you will be putting in your application for a job that you went to college for. Even though you might be the most qualified for the job you still might not obtain the position. Affirmative Act...
"The state shall not discriminate, or grant preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting." The previous statement is the unedited text of the ...
Affirmative Action Affirmative action was created in an effort to help minorities leap the discriminative barriers that were ever so present when the bill was first enacted, in 1965. At this time, the country was in the wake of nation-wide civil rights demonstrations, and racial ...
Is affirmative action needed to encourage diversity in the workplace? This policy is one of the forces that can secure a diverse workplace. Affirmative action has been a driving force to ensure that diversity has developed and prospered in today\'s work field. This needed policy in the workplace has...
Affirmative Action: Reverse Discrimination? Affirmative Action is a hot issue in the United States, with wide differences of opinion over the correct way to expand opportunity for people who have historically been discriminated against. With the philosophical difference behind the legal and politica...
The Controversy of Affirmative Action Is affirmative action the right and fair way of dealing with differences in opportunity and education in a society's population? Everyone has their own opinion of affirmative action and the results it manifests. One who does believe affirmative action is a fair...
I agree that putting affirmative action programs into practice is the best solution to providing equal employment opportunities for everyone regardless of ethnic background, gender or physical abilities. The affirmative action program ensures that an employer will appeal to every individual to apply...
Just 20 years ago, in most states a woman could not sign an apartment lease, get a credit rating, or apply for a loan unless her husband or a male relative agreed to share the responsibility. Similarly, a 1965 study found that fifty one percent of men though women were "temperamentally unfit for m...
The Upward Mobility Program is an important vehicle for placement ofwomen, minorities, and people with disabilities into such governmentalpositions where these people are under represented.Purpose: The purpose of the Upward Mobility Program are to provide the meansthrough which the capabi...