49 Results for aids

In American history, the people of color narrative have historically been invisible; the dominant discourse of American society has been predominantly white with Eurocentric emphasis. Thus, we see the silencing of the narrative of minority groups in American history. In his literature The Price of R...
United States The United States in the beginning stages of the 20th century was very different compared to what it is today. Times were pretty rough around here due to recovery from the civil war. At this time living conditions were very different, along with way of life and the current techno...
A Critique of the Article on John Brown, "The Father of American Terrorism" Part 1: On December 2, 1859, John Brown, dressed in a black coat, black pants, black vest, and black slouch hat, was riding to what would be his execution spot. He handed the jailer a note. It read: "I J...
Killer Angels The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara, examines the approach to that decisive battle and the battle itself through the eyes of several participants on both sides, but especially through those of General James Longstreet of the Confederacy and Colonel Lawrence Chamberlain of the Union. T...
Chapter 14 Summary In spite of political leaders' last-minute efforts to find a compromise over slavery that would preserve the Union, the election of Lincoln, followed by the secession of six southern states, pushed the country into war. The North had twice the resources of the South, and the...
The foundation for black participation in the Civil War began more than a hundred years before the outbreak of the war. Blacks in America had been in bondage since early colonial times. In 1776, when Jefferson proclaimed mankind's inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...
Tensions in 1852-60 That Led to the Civil War The conflicts in the United States during the 1850's were numerous and brought the nation closer to civil war each day. These conflicts were mainly caused by the diverging society between the North and the South. The North and the South had diffe...
The Confederate South, which is known for its deep military history, proved to be no competition for an industrially sound and hastily growing north in this Civil War. The North that was industrially strong and armed to the teeth found much of their victories quite easily obtainable. Strategy, m...
Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men by Eric Foner was first published in 1970, and it discusses how the ideology of the Republican Party shaped the outcome of the Civil War. America faced a crisis in which it had two paths it could take, would it become a country of free men or slavery? Eric Foner in Fr...
The Republican Party Introduction The Republican Party, since its first convention in Michigan in 1854, has had philosophy that has remained relatively unchanged. Its oath entices Americans to believe that "good government is based on the individual and that each person's ability, dignity, fre...
Message written in a leather-bound book, found in an abandoned cabin in backwoods Pennsylvania: "Whoever has found this basic diary now reads the story of George McClellan. Having lived 80 long but blessed years, I've outlived my wife and children. I suspect that God will call me home s...
Medical Technology Advances"First the surgeon would cut off the blood flow with a tourniquet. After that he would take a scalpel and slice through the outlying tissue and flesh. Then he would use a hacksaw-like tool called a capital saw to saw through the bone. It had replaceable blades. After t...
The American Civil War was a military conflict between the United States of America (the Union), and 11 secessionist Southern states, organized as the Confederate States of America (the Confederacy). It was the culmination of four decades of intense sectional conflict and it reflected deep-seated e...
The American Civil War was a military conflict between the United States of America (the Union), and 11 secessionist Southern states, organized as the Confederate States of America (the Confederacy). It was the culmination of four decades of intense sectional conflict and it reflected deep-seated e...
American History 4th of July 1877 Today we are gathered to celebrate not only America's birthday but also the birthday of this community of Cambellsville, Iowa. This community is just three years old, a baby when compared America. This community has been a beacon of...
The Confederate Flag Controversy It is my opinion that the Confederate flag be left on the Confederate Soldier's monument on capitol grounds after being removed from the South Carolina State house. I feel that the NAACP, and many other groups, have completely withdrawn the southerner&apo...
A masterpiece of the Nobel Prize-winning author, William Faulkner, where seeing from the eyes of an anonymous and extremely knowledgeable resident of the quaint town of Jefferson in North America's Mississippi region, will prove to be a very entertaining yet educational experience because of th...
It is virtually impossible to answer the question of whether America's farmers or industrial workers had it worse in the period 1865 through 1916, because issues of gender, culture, and race make it difficult, if not impossible, to generalize about people in either occupation. Furthermore, reg...
Seeing a picture makes one feel as if he or she knows what is happening. When a person sees a familiar face suffering, it shocks them. Someone may feel as if they are experiencing, or at least comprehending better, what the image in the picture is going through. If the photograph is of people laughi...
'Discuss the view that secession, rather than slavery caused the Civil War" Although during the conflict both the Unionists and Confederates may have strongly believed that secession was the sole cause of the war, we can see now that this is not the case. This is reinforced by Abraham ...
Behind the Lines: Spies in the Civil War The Civil War was the bloodiest, most devestating war that has ever been fought on American soil. It began on April 12, 1861, at 4:30 in the morning. The main reason that the war was fought was because Southern states believed that they should have the...
The Disuniting of America In the book The Disuniting of America author Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. talks about the shift between the traditional focus the "melting pot" to the "multicultural society" that dominates public awareness today. He looks at the history of the United Sates and finds that ear...
ReconstructionThe reconstruction after the Civil War lasted until about 1877. Many people suffered during this period of time. Property damage was done to farms, factories and railroads. During this time the economy was weakened because of the pillaging. Some economic hardships included destruct...
Prior to the Revolutionary War of 1776, the thirteen colonies of the eastern seaboard were uniformly recognized as an appendage of England. They were considered by many to be the Western segment of Great Britain. However, the colonial victory of the Revolutionary War depraved the Britons of their ...
There were many medical advances made during the American Civil War. When the Civil War began in April 1861, medicine was approaching what Surgeon General William Hammond called "the end of the medical Middle Ages." American physicians had little knowledge of the cause and prevention of disease an...