49 Results for aids

Foreign aid in Colombia: Right now, the the Clinton administration, contrary to the Colombian people, is on the brink of proposing an escalation of foreign aid to Colombia that would total 1.574 billion over the next 3 years, the third largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid behind Israel and Egypt. ...
One question that has troubled Americans for a long time is: \"Should the use of marijuana be legalized?\" Some say yes, while others say, no. According to the Merriam-Webster\'s dictionary, marijuana is defined as \"the dried leaves and flowering tops of the pistillate hemp plant that yield THC a...
"At last, the nation allegedly has turned the corner in the war on drugs. In May, 1998, Attorney General Janet Reno and Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin announced more than 100 indictments and the seizure of about $150,000,000 from Mexican banks, representing a successful conclusion to the 'the la...
“At last, the nation allegedly has turned the corner in the war on drugs. In May, 1998, Attorney General Janet Reno and Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin announced more than 100 indictments and the seizure of about $150,000,000 from Mexican banks, representing a successful conclusion to the &...
American Drug Trade On February 28th 2001 in Nogalas, Arizona federal agents raided a border house and seized 840 pounds of cocaine that had been trafficked through an underground smuggling tunnel. "If we were to say that there are no more tunnels out there than we'd have our heads in th...
Needle Exchange Programs: The Best Solution? The United States of America has been contending with adverse social and economic effects of the drug abuse, namely of heroin, since the foundation of this country. Our initial attempt to outlaw heroin with the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914 resulted...
Needle Exchange Programs: The Best Solution? The United States of America has been contending with adverse social and economic effects of the drug abuse, namely of heroin, since the foundation of this country. Our initial attempt to outlaw heroin with the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914 resulted ...
Legalization of Narcotics Narcotics, or drugs, are substances that affect the body's functions. They can stimulate the mind, make people depressed, or make them hyper. Marijuana, heroin, LSD, PCP, cocaine, and anabolic steroids are all considered narcotics. Narcotics are illegal in the...
I intend to discuss the issue of whether marijuana should be legalized or not. My audience will be college students. Because all issues related to marijuana are emotional as well as logical, I have to assume that individuals within my audience, a college class, will hold a wide variety of opinio...
When habits or behaviors begin to dominate daily life and people find themselves powerless to stop the chaos despite the consequences or the desire to do so, then it is very likely that addiction is active. Addiction is a factor that causes people to offend and re-offend against Criminal Law. There ...
Many people believe that drug use in professional athletics is not a serious problem, however it is more widespread and serious than people think. In professional athletics the use of drugs is looked upon as somewhat of a serious problem, but is also very discrete and low key. Every once in a while ...
Introduction The purpose of this study is to ascertain the affects of drug-abusing fathers on the drug usage of their young adolescent children. A special targeted population were chosen for this study; they are the children of drug-abusing fathers who are HIV-positive or at risk for becoming HIV-po...
Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana has been effectively prohibited in the U.S. since 1968, and has been a very controversial issue ever since. Marijuana is native to central Asia and was first cultivated some 10,000 years ago. "As early as 2737 B.C.E. in China, written accounts have extoll...
The War on Drugs The war on drugs is not a war that can be fought on the beaches of Normandy or in the jungles of Vietnam. It is a war fought in the backyards of all Americans, every day. This is a war that cannot be won with the aid of nuclear weapons or the help of any other forms of artillery....
There are many public policy issues that the United States Government is constantly researching and debating. One such issue that stands out is how the government attacks the flow of drugs coming into, and the drugs already in the country. The War On Drugs has been going on for many years now, but i...
C o c a i n e The powerful addictive drug known as cocaine has been around since the time of Native American Empire of the Incas. The Incas chewed coca leaves to obtain mild euphoria, stimulation and alertness. The Incas also brewed coca leaves to form tea which contained significant amounts of...
HEROIN The use of heroin continues to climb in most areas. The number of varieties and sources of heroin available, combined with an increased domestic demand make the heroin market the fastest growing drug market reported. While there are indications of increased use of heroin among younge...
Marijuana Marijuana is a preparation of dried, shredded leaves from the Indian hemp plant Cannabis sativa, which means "useful hemp". Preparations made from Cannabis include marijuana, the dried plant material; hashish, the dried resin from the flowers and associated leaves; and hash ...
Throughout recent history, there has been much debate over the issue of the government's war on drugs. Some people feel that drugs should be legalized, while others believe that the punishments should be even harsher than they are today. In between these two opinions are the others who feel ...
Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) is definitely one of the most commonly used illegal drugs in the United States. However, its effects and dangers have been greatly misrepresented to kids and teenagers as well as adults. Also, there are many misconceptions about the drug including how addictive it is, i...
Cigarettes - Addiction and Product Dangers It is clear that businesses have an obligation to inform their customers about their product's ingredients and dangers. Looking at the case of Rose Cipollone we see that she was a heavy smoker. Her doctor's had to remove part of her right ca...
Substance abuse and addiction are major problems in society today. Every segment of society, regardless of race, gender, or age is affected. Some of the substances that are used grow naturally, where as others are manufactured illicitly or even legitimately in laboratories. They may be smoked, inhal...
Should Marijuana Be LegalThis is a topic that has become a bit of concern amongst people in the past few years. Marijuana has been illegal since the early 1900's, but lately scientists have figured out that there are some uses of marijuana that could benefit people in need, people who are sick of d...
Since the beginning of the 19th century, America has had to deal with the ongoing problem of drugs. We're surrounded by them everyday, whether we realize it, ornot. The evening news is filled with stories of "crack heads" killing each other as well innocent standers- by in a fiendish attempt to fin...
Unleashing a Weed of Mass Destruction on America While scanning through a newspaper, I came across a depressing article about a teenage girl who was found dead in her apartment because of a drug overdose. Also found in her dingy apartment was a baby girl. The article went on to say that she was...