5 Results for albert einstein

In the 1930s, some scientists theorized that bombarding an atom's nucleus with a neutron from another atom would cause the first atom to split in two. The splitting atom would release another neutron, which would then strike a neighboring atom, causing it to split, and so on. It was thought that eac...
Since the beginning of time there has been fighting and war, from the Vikings to the Roman empire, and from the Nazis campaign of anti-semitism to Osama's fight to destroy America. But there has been no battle, no crusade of war that has ever been more destructive then the horrific bombings of Hiros...
The atomic Bomb code named The Manhattan Project was the first atomic Bomb created by the United States. The United States supervised the development of the atomic bomb, under the code name Manhattan Project, during World War II. The first sustained nuclear chain reaction was achie...
On August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb ever was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, Japan, killing about 70,000 people, wounding about 70,000 and destroying about five square miles of the city. The atomic bomb was the result of the manhattan project, an enormous undertaking by the U.S. government to...
The atomic bombs used in World War II were a huge scientific advance, but also will be long remembered because of their radiation effects. Although the weapon was the most destructive of any in World War II, it was one of the advantages the U. S. was able to use in order to defeat Japan. Leo Szilard...