8 Results for alternative music

TS Eliot The love song It is an examination of the pitiful outcast of a modern man--overeducated, well-spoken, irrational, and emotionally awkward. Prufrock, the poem's speaker, seems to be addressing a potential lover, with whom he would like to "force the moment to its crisis" by somehow fix...
The journey Types of journey o Physical o Emotional o Intellectual o Spiritual o Cultural Introduction music is of traditional aboriginal culture. Camera shows footprints in the dirt Music intensifies Hawk is symbolic in journey. Shown in beginning of movie, looked at as a sens...
Dickinson¡¯s writing style and method, similar to the manner in which she approaches subjects in her poetry, are very distinct. Dickinson was very methodical in her approach to writing poetry. In further examination of Dickinson's poetry, specific characteristics that can be fou...
Aesthetic Rewriting in the Translation of Poetry Abstract: This paper attempts to explore the strategy of rewriting, in particular, the method of naturalizing and historicizing, in the translation of poetry to maintain the aesthetic meaning. Theoretical support from Susan Bassnett and others is a...
Upon looking at e. e. cummings's poem, "in Just-",perhaps, two features immediately become apparent: the use of white space between some words and lines, and the multiple use of a single word supporting an entire line. To a lesser degree, the poem's visual also featur...
Focus Question: Using a few of his poems as examples, how effective are Kenneth Slessor's poems in revealing his identity as a man and a poet? It was once said that poems, though brief and whatever quality, serve as a look into the eyes of the poet. They are expressions of the poet's emotion...
Gwendolyn Brooks The late Lorraine Williams Bolton once said, speaking of Gwendolyn Brooks, "the pattern of her rearing was similar to...that of many Chicagoans. It tended to encourage inwardness and withdrawal into imaginative resources." (Kent 4) Brooks's childhood and upbrin...
Fiction is usually thought of as prose, while poetry is given a separate classification. Essays are a form of prose usually differing from fiction in that the essay is considered a real document and not a tale. The distinction among these three forms is not always that clear, and often the genres ...