4 Results for alternative music

Media Violence and Advertisement Society has been bombarded with violence from the beginning of time. These concerns about violence in the media have been around way before television was even introduced. Nevertheless, there have been numerous studies, research, and conferences done over the year...
Media Violence and Advertisement Society has been bombarded with violence from the beginning of time. These concerns about violence in the media have been around way before television was even introduced. Nevertheless, there have been numerous studies, research, and conferences done over the year...
DON-RAYTV Violence on ChildrenIntroductionIn the United States children watch an average of three to fours hours of television daily (Cantor & Wilson, 1984, p. 28). Television can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior. Unfortunately, much of today's television prog...
TV in the 1950's Reflected/Created Culture How many hours per week do you spend watching television? The average American child or adolescent spends 22-28 hours per week watching TV, which is more than any other activity other than sleeping. Did you know that there are more television sets in...