103 Results for animal science

Mankind has deceived its furry, finned and scaled friends by its disgraceful disregard for their basic rights as living beings. Nowhere is it written that humans, while perhaps the most developed of all species, are the rulers over their nonspeaking counterparts. Whether or not a person believes ...
Today in the age of fast, efficient computer technology is there still a need for the animal testing methods used hundreds of years ago? Many scientist and doctors, including Nobel Prize winners, say yes, because it is the only way to view what happens to a whole living body without risking any har...
One of the most touchy aspects of our relationship with animals is the use of animals in laboratory sciences. Some manufactures of cosmetics and household products still conduct painful and useless tests on live animals, even though no law requires them not to. Some people, called anti-vivisectionis...
This paper endeavours to delineate the discourse concerning the necessity of animal experimentation. Using the utilitarian approach (cost-benefit analysis), the benefits of animal experimentation (vivisection) to society, especially in the field of medical research, outweigh the unavoidable costs. W...
Animal cruelty has been prevalent since ancient Roman times. They would bring wild animals from throughout their far-reaching empire and put them in an area where they would fight to death, to the great amusement of huge crowds of Roman citizens. A popular belief of the time was farm animals shoul...
In a society that demands monogamy, the most common cause for a relationship to fail is infidelity. Though not a crime, cheating is most definitely a socially deviant act, with the offender shunned from the community for their immoral doings. However, is the call for monogamy fighting our natural b...
Can't you just picture it? Our founding fathers, sitting side by side, along a massive oak table, arguing over the rights American citizens should have. And finally they come upon an agreement, and that agreement was that "...all men are created equal." But didn't they forget...
One of the things that differentiate the human race from other forms of life is our ability to reason. The uniqueness of each individual, however, causes us to reason in different ways. An individual\'s reasoning can be categorized into two primary groups: reasoning based on emotion and instinct ver...
Ever since the beginning of human life we have been exposed to our dependency of what is available around us. We have so conveniently made use of our environment of plants and animals. In our society today, humans have relied too much on animals that humans can find no other substitution. It is a...
Looking at like as a whole there are thousands of ethical questions that could be addressed and studied in this paper; I chose one that has always held an interest to me throughout my life. My ethical question has to be "is animal testing ethically right or just a necessity of human survival?&...
A sheep named Dolly, a kitten named Cc, and a monkey named Andi are three different animals which look and act exactly like every other member of their species. However, the way these animals came to exist differs greatly. Dolly, Cc, and Andi were all brought into this world by a controversial techn...
In medical research, testing is a vital process in understanding and finding answers for problems faced by humans. This researching, throughout history has involved the use of animals in several situations and has been considered highly beneficial. Only in recent history the use of animals has becom...
In today's day and age, absolutely anything can happen, especially in the world of science. Earlier this year, scientists were able to create the first completely cloned healthy cat. This brought to many individuals shock and disbelief. Up until a few weeks ago, the extent of cloning only rea...
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For the Good of Man or Animal?Imagine a world without chemotherapy, organ transplants, joint replacements, and antibiotics. These are just a few of medical wonders developed through animal research. Animal research has been a heated discussion for the past fifty years. Some argue that the researc...
There are many scientific benefits to cloning. Cloning is defined as the making of a precise copy of a molecule, cell, or individual plan or animal. The scientific benefits of cloning are endless and know no boundaries. The reason that it knows no boundaries is because not all forms of cloning a...
Whilst the sanctity and well-being of life has been held at the pinnacle of homocentric ethics and morals, the interests of non-humans have been neglected due to a common belief that the life of an animal is insignificant and therefore expendable. Humankind has assumed position at the top of a power...
The majority of the animals in Africa entered the human world as predators. Soon after, the roles had reversed and these beautiful creatures became human prey. Not only do humans prey upon African animals but also Africa's habitats are being destroyed. This forces the small animals out of th...
In this paper I am going to discuss how anthropology is a science. I am also going to explain how Jane Goodall is a scientist with her works with chimpanzees, and how that is known as primatology. I will also look at the order primates in correspondence with Jane Goodall's book on primates, s...
The article I have chosen, entitled "Designer People", covers the issues of designer babies and the melding of man and machine. Both of these issues are very controversial and the article contains arguments for each side in the two topics. Designer babies are a new "fad" that may be up an...
According to the American Heritage Dictionary, cloning is to make multiple identical copies of a DNA sequence, to reproduce or propagate asexually. A clone is a group of genetically identical cells descended from a single common ancestor, such as a bacterial colony whose members arose from a single...
(a)Outline the reasons why psychologists might choose to use non-human animals in their research. (b) Outline how animals have been used in two different areas of research. (c) Assess the problems of using animals in psychological research.Psychologists choose to use non-human animals in their resea...
"Human and Animal Cloning Should Be Legal" We are making technological and medicinal advances very rapidly in today's society. We have found cures for diseases we never thought could possibly be cured, and it seems that we will be living forever if we keep it up. One of the most c...
In the novel \"Frankenstein,\" Mary Shelley is not trying to reinforce the biblical thought of forbidden knowledge but is rather introducing the thought that science is capable of being dangerous if it becomes divided from humanity. The reason that it could be conceived that Mary Shelley is reinfor...
The dictionary definition of ethology is- the scientific study of animal behavior. There is alot more to it then that though. There are a few different principles that people can differ on when talking about ethology. Since the 1950's behaviorism was one of themost popular views. The ...