46 Results for animal science

Jurassic Park was written as a warning about unconsidered biological tinkering, it explores the consequences of an attempt to re-create certain breeds of dinosaur to serve as amusement park attractions. Dr. Ian Malcolm is a very controversial character within the novel because of his beliefs about ...
Biblical Story: Fact or Fiction? Although many Christian people believe the story of creation as told in Genesis is the truth, science has come up with an alternative theory on how man came into existence. The word creation comes from the Greek word for science that is philosophically defined...
There is more to the world than just what can be seen. This statement may seem contradictory, but it is accurately portrayed in the writings of Carl Sagan in his novel based on the television series, Cosmos. "Cosmos" is a Greek root meaning "order in the universe." Apart from the...
I will describe and explain the teachings Christianity holds about the relationship between humanity and the rest of creation. I will discuss the relationship different areas of humanity should have with the areas of creation they interact with most. These areas are the relationship with the environ...
Global WarmingHuman kind has entered a brand new relationship with the earth. The constant and increasing pressures we are exerting threaten our planets ability to sustain life itself. Change-in the way we think , and in the way we live-is needed now.Global warming is the most urgent environmental ...
Evolution is described as a gradual change. That is what many scientists believe about the earth, it evolved over many years to the earth we know today. All things were just formed through this very complicated ever changing process. The word evolution also refers to the formation and development o...
"...why it is that we and the universe exists. If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason- for then we would know the mind of God." (Hawking 185). The debate between whether or not we were created by some Supreme Being or life itself happened by cha...
Creation or Evolution? Where did we come from? Did God create our incredible world in six days, and do we all descend from Adam and Eve? Or was the universe created billions of years ago, possibly by a "Big Bang", with all living things evolving from a single organism? These questions hav...
Atmospheric Circulation is a vital part of the Earth's systems. Without it the system would not be complete. Not only does it complete the cycle it also keeps human, plants, and animals alive. When discussing atmospheric circulation there are two main points that need to be hit on and those...
The Flood and Covenant The Flood as Christians know it today is through that of the account of Noah. Noah's story is located in the scripture of the Bible. The story of the flood is first mentioned in the Genesis section of The Holy Bible. Scientific studies now show that a flood of the ...
Every year the Lamont - Doherty Earth Observatory holds an open house in which scientists share their studies and really let the public see what and how they do what they do. Scientists at this research center are working together studying different fields of the Geologic sciences ranging from Ocea...
Desert EcosystemsDesert ecosystems are one of the most extreme and diverse ecosystems of them all. Everything from the harsh climate changes, the animal inhabitants, and their creation make them the most unique. Even though this ecosystem is very intimidating it is very week. In this report we wi...
I am often asked this question by members of the general public, and, since I am known to most people who meet me as an enthusiast for space exploration and colonization as well, the question is put to me even more forcefully. Let us face this question head on. Firstly, there are several lessons to...
When comparing the past times of children of today with those of yesterday, it can be said that the past definitely leads to the future. Long gone are the days of the pen pals of yore, today's electronic mail has changed this activity forever. Campfire stories have been replaced by video cass...
It was not only the people of the United States of America but the whole world was awakened when the documentary slide presentation turned film, An Inconvenient Truth by former Vice President Al Gore was shown in theaters on the 24th of May, 2006. The film persuasively contrives the science of glo...
The greenhouse effect being a natural phenomenon is directly affected by human activities such as new industrial processes, more extensive agriculture and a rapid increase in the world's population causing global warming. Greenhouse effect is like a "double jeopardy". Without the natural greenhouse...
Minerals have many different shapes, colors, and they also have many uses. Crystals, metals, and rocks are also minerals just a different kind. Minerals are all over this planet and even in outer space. Living creatures have used minerals in their systems to help their growth. A mineral can also be...
Over the last one hundred years global temperature has increased between 0.6 and 1.1 degrees Fahrenheit, glaciers over the world have decreased in size and worldwide sea level has risen 10 to 20 centimeters. (Global Warming Opposing Viewpoints) Are these changes due to human behavior or natural...
QUESTION 1: Technology owes Ecology an Apology. Indeed, in my opinion, technology does owe ecology an apology. This is because ecological imbalances were as a result of the Industrial revolution, which could be said to be the beginning of the non-ending technological advancement cycle. D...
Putting the Allegory of the Cave into my own words seems comparable to the Christian idea of using the lord's name in vain. First, I'd like to introduce a phenomenon I have observed throughout my life time. I call it soul resonance. Bear with me here. When two objects emit sympathetic vibrati...
EssayEnhanced Greenhouse Effect Vs.Ozone DepletionThe Greenhouse Effect and Ozone Depletion are rapidly growing threats to the Earth. The Greenhouse Effect is when carbon dioxide levels rise causing more heat to be let in throwing off the ecosystem, and Ozone Depletion happens when chemicals in th...
The Origin of the Species?The origin of the human species is a topic of great controversy. One side is that of the Creationists. They explain that a higher power is responsible for the formation of our planet and the origin of life. Creationism is based upon the Bible. It explains that the world w...
Humanism during the Renaissance During the renaissance, there was a renewed interest in the arts, and the traditional views of society came into question. People began to explore the power of the human mind. A term often used to describe the increasing interest in the powers of the human mind is h...
Evolution, a process of change through time, is what links together the enormous diversity of the living world. A lot of evidence is present that indicates that the earth has had a very long history and that all living things arose in the course of that history from earlier, more simpler forms. In o...
Global Warming Human kind has entered a brand new relationship with the earth. The constant and increasing pressures we are exerting threaten our planets ability to sustain life itself. Change-in the way we think , and in the way we live-is needed n...