71 Results for argument

The Civil Rights Act of 1875 was an effort of the Post-Civil War Congresses to enforce civil rights throughout the United States. It was a part of the Reconstructionists to eliminate racial discrimination throughout the United States and this Act was one form to attempt to accomplish this. They took...
The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was held from the months of May to September, at the Philadelphia State House. Representatives from twelve of the thirteen colonies attended, to debate a wide range of constitutional provisions from the Bill of Rights to the power of taxation. The issue on th...
The nation's drug policy and how government drug legislation affects American's rights and liberty is a controversial issue. On one hand, the government must pass legislation to control America's drug problem, and on the other the government must be careful not to infringe on Ameri...
Within the pages of One United People: The Federalist Papers and the National Idea, author Ed Millican dissects not only The Federalist piece by piece, but scrutinizes numerous works of other authors in regards to the papers written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. As a result, a...
Gun control is a very controversial, complicated, and delicate subject, because it affects a large amount of people in our society, and is full of moral and legal arguments which all must be heard. There are two really strong positions on gun control, pro and con. But views on gun control aren't th...
In the landmark case Reynolds vs. Sims, the Supreme Court declared: \"Especially since the right to exercise the franchise in a free and unimpaired manner is preservative of the other basic civil and political rights, any alleged infringement of the right of citizens to vote must be carefully and me...
National Judiciary 1. During the period before the Constitution was ratified, the Articles of Confederation gave a 2. The Dual Court System works by splitting the courts into 2 distinct systems; the national judiciary system and the state judiciary system. The State Courts deal with ...
America has always been defined by the constitution, the amendments, and most importantly, by the people of the United States. Notice what is not listed: the freedoms given to the people of the United States by these three crucial establishments. This one incredibly significant element is not ment...
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Those words make up the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Those are the words our country's founding fathers wrote when the United Sta...
Friends and fellow citizens: I stand before you tonight, under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted at the last Presidential election, without having a lawful right to vote. It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that I thus voting, I not only committed no crime, but, instead, ...
The federal courts and state courts differ in the structure, jurisdiction, and types of cases brought into the court. The basis of the Constitutional Law from an official document delineates powers for the federal law and state law that define the Federal Judicial System which derived from the U.S. ...
On November 7, 2000, American voters went to the polls to elect the 43rd president of the United States. Ritualistically, the nation watched that evening for the election returns. The tallies for Democrat Albert Gore and Republican George W. Bush teetered in the makings of a dead heat. It soon be...
Government, one of the most important factors in our life, is very complicated. After I have studied the American government, I find out that the American government is the most perfect and democratic government in the world. The government is doing their jobs in the best interest of people, to pr...
It began one hot summer's night as a carnival closed its run in a small town near Augusta, Georgia. A group of rough-looking, young men had been hanging around most of the evening, drinking, cursing, and generally trying to cause problems for the workers. It was the kind of behavior that trav...
FREEDOM OF THE PRESS There are now and have always been many different views regarding freedom of the press. These views are not just representative of contemporary society but historical society as well. These different views are apparent in the historical and contemporary articles I have revi...
The Republican Party Introduction The Republican Party, since its first convention in Michigan in 1854, has had philosophy that has remained relatively unchanged. Its oath entices Americans to believe that "good government is based on the individual and that each person's ability, dignity, fre...
The first part of the discussion will revolve around the general ideas of the Constitution, while the second part will discuss why the Federalist Constitution drawn in Philadelphia is indeed the best choice. We will first have a look at two of Locke\'s ideas, presented on page 18 and from which the...
One of the most important issues in the world is the controversy surrounding abortion. Do you think abortion is right? Many people have been asking themselves this same question for years now. Abortion has been a heated argument amongst citizens, political activists, and religi...
Flag Desecration For many Americans the flag of the United States has been a symbol of freedom. However political turmoil and involvement in foreign wars has led to a new form of protest, protected under the first amendment of the Constitution-flag burning. Citizenship in America is not easy. A...
I. Merrill Jensen's historical account of the American Revolution takes a unique view at a precarious time in the young nation's history from a perspective that others would call "outside the box." The First Edition of The American Revolution Within America published through the...
The line item veto came into effect January 1st, 1997 after being passed in an overwhelmingly Republican House, and the Senate, (with many objections by Senator Robert Byrd). However, the republican bill did not live for long, although it took a very long time to pass it, it was struck down in 1998 ...
George Washington: Indispensable Indispensable a word meaning absolutely necessary1, is significant when analyzing the Presidency of George Washington a man whom James T. Flexner described as "the indispensable man." Being described indispensable can have lofty very expectations. Peop...
Gun Control: The Help That Harms Everyone is fast asleep in the Smith home on a midsummer night. Jamie and Katie, the parents of five-year-old Lisa and seven-year-old Nick, are resting assured that the next day will be bright and cheery. Around three in the morning, James and Katie are awakened b...
Baker v. Carr (1962) Except for, arguably, Brown v. Board of Education, Baker v. Carr (1962) "...was one of the U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren's most important decisions." (http://tennesseeencyclopedia.net/imagegallery.php?EntryID=B005). The landmark ruling put int...
Everson v the Board of Education Introduction There is a distinct separation in the Constitution between government and religion, and in the case of Everson v the Board of Education, there are many examples as to why this type of separation is important. When individuals pay taxes, it is up to th...