51 Results for argument

Gay Marriages - Why is Society Afraid? You meet someone special and start to form a connection. Soon the sharing of your hopes, joys, and fears begin. Soon after this friendship develops into love, and you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with this person. They are not only y...
In this paper, I will discuss the reasons why America should convert to a universal healthcare system, and reveal the pros and cons behind the problems that America faces without a universal plan. My argument is based on these major issues: the people involved and their experiences, a variety of gro...
Capital Punishment Capital punishment is not a new concept. It is older then the Roman Empire, and has changed much since it's first use. Death through drowning, crucifixion, or hanging, or throwing form a high rock, or being thrown into a fiery furnace, or firing squad, or electric chair ...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances (United States Constitutio...
Affirmative Action: Moral Compensation or Reverse Discrimination Affirmative action has been with us for over forty years, and continues to be the focus of debate and controversy. President Kennedy introduced the idea of preferential treatment in 1961 when the nation was in the middl...
Desecration of Stars and Stripes INTRODUCTION Is it more important to protect the icons of our country, or to ensure the right to extremely offensive expressions? The issue of flag burning asks America just that question: Should America tolerate, or condemn? Flag burning does seem to be the ...
Affirmative Action on Trial: Is Fairness an Elusive Goal? GENERAL BACKGROUND: What are the origins of what is known today as affirmative action, the programs that seek to remedy past discrimination against minorities and women? The original American foundation for social justice, fairness and civ...
There has long been ethical dilemmas and conflicts that deal with the power and fairness as to how the worker is treated by management. The main dilemma that will be addressed, will be based upon and addressing ethical issues in business as it relates to management vs. labor; or the treatment of h...
Running head: Downside of Cloning The Ethical Downside of Cloning Ethics in Health Care October 17, 1998 Introduction For the first time the cloning of a whole human being seems really possible. It is absolutely necessary to consider the harm tha...
Ethics of Cloning Running head: Downside of Cloning The Ethical Downside of Cloning Ethics in Health Care October 17, 1998 Introduction For the first time the cloning of a whole human being seems really possible. It is absolutely necessary to consider the harm that can be done and move to cur...
American people hear about reform and ideas surrounding reform every election year. Americans around election time begin to hear new policies that an elected candidate would like to enact or reforms that they will pass when in power. These reforms are made to seem like the key to a brighter tomorrow...
Long before advertisements could be broadcasted through televisions in the comfort of your own home, many years before advertisements could be made through a tune or jingle on the radio, advertising was and is still done today through the words and pictures on a billboard. The history of billboards...
Affirmative Action programs promote equal representation of minority groups in the American workplace and public schools. It seeks to remedy the effects of discrimination of specific groups through the force of laws and regulations. In practice, affirmative action can be a passive effort or an agg...
A group of junior high students assembled outside of their school early one morning. The teachers instructed the students to form lines facing towards the school when something caught one of the student\'s eyes. Soon the other students noticed what appeared to be an airplane in the sky. They all ...
Outline The Death Penalty Debate There is an obvious problem concerning violent crime in America,assuming as most people do that violence is a bad thing. Newspapers andtelevision programs are infused with reports of homicide, and the ...
Homeschooling is currently a hot social issue because of the major increase of homeschooled American children in the last decade. There are two major opinions on this issue: parents who believe they have a right to choose how their children are educated and those who believe that children need to b...
Better Education: The Controversy Over School VouchersEducation remains America's most influential avenue of opportunity. Most Americans recognize the necessity of an elementary and secondary level of education to succeed within the highly competitive world beyond adolescence. Without a basic foun...
"There is no such source and cause of strife, quarrel, fights, malignant opposition, persecution, and war, and all evil in the state, as religion. Let it once enter our civil affairs, our government would soon be destroyed. Let it once enter our common schools, they would be destroyed." Supreme Cour...
The United States tax system is in complete disarray. Republicans and Democrats agree that the current tax code is complex, unfair, and costly. The income tax system is so complex; the IRS publishes 480 tax forms and 280 forms to explain the 480 forms (Armey 1). The main reason the tax system is ...
America's Pastime Boosts America's Cultural FadsWhat does one usually envision when they think of America? Stereotypically responses include apple pie, cheeseburgers, liberty, and baseball. All the previously mentioned things have a significant cultural place in America. For example, baseball has...
It was 12:00am Sunday morning, or Saturday night, which ever one prefers, and I was wide-awake. As I set down, sipping my third cup of Pepsi from a mug that my roommate bought at a second season taping of Fox\'s American Idol, I brainstormed as to what I would write my research paper about. I found ...
1. Several of our commentators have suggested that the media engage in \"self-censorship\". What does this mean and how is it accomplished? Self-censorship is one of the least discussed, and most routine, media constraints in the United States. The mass media are able to numb us, in a sense, dispen...
One day as I was driving to my sister's house in Ravenswood, I saw an elderly man standing at the end of the off-ramp. The gentleman was holding a sign that read: "Homeless will work for food. God Bless." As I rolled to a stop, I rolled down my window and offered him my last five dol...
Introduction For the first time the cloning of a whole human being seems really possible. It is absolutely necessary to consider the harm that can be done and move to curb abuses. Also, it is important to understand some of the theory underlying the desire to build a better human. The Ethical Downsi...
TV in the 1950's Reflected/Created Culture How many hours per week do you spend watching television? The average American child or adolescent spends 22-28 hours per week watching TV, which is more than any other activity other than sleeping. Did you know that there are more television sets in...