98 Results for argument

Explain the Moral Argument and what concepts of God it gives. The moral argument is the argument that proves God's existence using the existence of absolute morality. To make the moral argument even believable we would have to prove that absolute morality exists. First of all we must define mo...
This paper will contain my argument against the Greater Moral Benefit argument. To begin with I will analyze the Greater Moral Benefit Argument thoroughly in order to establish exactly what it means and the premises that make the argument valid. Then I will criticize the premise that I disagree with...
Philosophy Essay – Abortion Introduction When does life actually begin? When, if ever, is it right to terminate a pregnancy? These are some of the moral dilemmas that are faced when dealing with the issue of abortion. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. There are many different stands...
In "Famine, Affluence, and Morality", in Reason and Responsibility, Singer makes an argument that we ought to give our money to help save the starving. I will argue that both a utilitarian and a Kantian points of view can be validly concluded the same way Singer concludes his argument. I ...
Gorgias October 9, 2001 Ethics 112 Grier Socrates is obsessed with the idea of justice, especially as it pertains to knowledge. In the Gorgias, justice is discussed as it pertains to oratory as well as what constitutes greater injustice, committing or suffering, and punishment and just...
Let's Make the World a No-Clone Zone "Let's Make the World a No-Clone Zone" is a very straightforward and powerful article which lists many reasons why anything and everything about cloning should be illegal. In her article Therese M. Lysaught acknowledges there is plenty of f...
One of the foundations of our society is the presence and function of justice. It is a subject often taken for granted without much thought. What is justice? According to Thrasymachus – a main character in the book The Republic – "justice or right is simply what is in the interes...
My subject is abortion, and I am going to take a stand that abortion is always wrong because it is always wrong to intend the death of an innocent person. To intend the death of an innocent person is the same as murder. We all accept the fact that murder is wrong. Therefore, abortion is murder, and...
Maliciousness in Society Today Active euthanasia and passive euthanasia are different in the way killing is different from letting die. Doctors today condone passive euthanasia but reject the idea of its counterpart. If a person on life support does not want to "endure the unendurable&quo...
Homosexuality is being hotly debated today in society. When the case is made for the legitimacy of same-sex love, critics rush in with four main defenses: 1) It is contrary to nature. 2) It is condemned in Bible. 3) Its acceptance would ruin society. 4) It is harmful. John decided not to attack the...
Euthanasia may be defined as the action of killing an individual for reasons considered merciful. Throughout history Euthanasia (mercy killing) is a topic that has brought about many different opinions. There have been many discussions as well as court cases surrounding this controversial issue. Eve...
Of all the medical advancements mankind has created, nothing is more remarkable, and controversial, than human cloning. Late February 1997 the world was stunned that a British embryologist named Ian Wilmut and his research team had successfully cloned a lamb named Dolly from an adult sheep. Replacin...
The morality of Physician Assisted Suicide has been in question in the United States since the late 19th Century. There are so many sides to this issue that make it extremely difficult to draw a line between when Physician Assisted Suicide is morally right and when it is morally wrong. When it see...
1) The Divine Command Theory The divine command theory argues that God is the lawgiver and that it is he who has introduced the rules of morality to us. It tells us that because morality is "right" that means that God "commands" it. It argues that God and morality is dependan...
Ethical egoism is a system of creating a morality based not only on one's actions, but one's beliefs about those actions. A person's actions must not create good for others, only for themselves. Although many disagree with the theory of ethical egoism, there are a number convincing arguments in its ...
Moral standards are in eye of the beholder. Different views on moral standards lead us to know whether something is right or wrong. There is the divine command theory, which states that God is the one who tells us what is right and what is wrong. God's commands (or commandments) are our sourc...
Financial aid for education is made available by governments, educational institutions, and charitable trusts primarily with the objective of helping children who come from the less advantaged sections of society. Indeed, this is the reason why financial aid applications ask for informatio...
How much for a Life? The article on 'How much for a Life' looks at the ethical view of an individual life in an economic way. To say that every person on this planet is worth the same amount, give or take a few million, is putting all individuals on an equal plain. One woul...
In exploring the subject of human ethics, one will encounter numerous persons with their own views and opinions about the subject in discussion. In Applied Ethics, by editor and Professor of Philosophy Peter Singer, the arguments and main points touched upon and explored seem to correlate well with ...
It is disturbing to know that fighting for our natural born rights could wind us up in jail. Martin Luther King Jr. experienced this very thing when he nonviolently protested against segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. "Letter from Birmingham Jail" was written while he was in jail and is...
Divine Command Theory The Divine Command Theory can be a hot topic for some people to discuss in the field of philosophy. The Divine Command Theory states that an act is permissible or obligatory if and only if that act is allowed or commanded by God. (Class notes 1/12/05) To believe in this th...
?What are the obligations of the "haves" as opposed to the "have-not's"? (Singer). John Arthur and Peter Singer are highly credited intellectuals on the subject of eradicating global poverty. One applies a hypothetical solution to the question while the other objects those proposals i...
Moral Theories Philosophy has for thousands of years attempted to tell us how to live morally. In this attempt there have been two major types of theories, skeptical and non-skeptical. To generalize skeptical theories conclude that ultimately we cannot compose a logical moral theory that we can a...
Is the media to blame for society's problems? This is the question that has been asked ever since television became a household necessity. There are many different types of media today ranging from newspapers, to television programs, video games and stories. There have been many arguments upon ar...
I do not believe that we can know if our behaviors are ethical. There have been great changes in the past decade but many of these have led to differing ethical opinions. Many people have turned to the law for the answers and other to their religion. Since there are so many opinions it becomes hard...