3 Results for avian bird flu

Avian Flu: The H5N1 Virus Introduction: When I started thinking about topics for my virology paper I drew a blank. Then I remembered that I was beginning to hear a lot about a new flu virus on the news. I was curious about it and I didn't know very much about it, because on the news they d...
Pandemics are of a great danger especially in this century where global traveling and poverty are eminent in every corner of the world. These two are by far the most prominent reasons why a pandemic is imminent and forthcoming. Avian Influenza caused by H5N1 virus is in the list of possible outbreak...
This paper endeavours to delineate the discourse concerning the necessity of animal experimentation. Using the utilitarian approach (cost-benefit analysis), the benefits of animal experimentation (vivisection) to society, especially in the field of medical research, outweigh the unavoidable costs. W...