11 Results for benjamin franklin

The Influence Writings of Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin is one of the best-known figures in American history. His industrious rise to success, his role in this country\'s struggle for independence, and his investigations into the mysteries of electricity are among his famous accomplishmen...
During the 1700's, people from many different countries began to swarm to America, causing societies to form and new ideas and opportunities to come about. In The Autobiography of Ben Franklin and John Crevecoeur's Letters From an American Farmer, different ideas of American ideals are ex...
The Second Amendment and Gun Control: Racism at its best. Let me take you back to a time not so long ago: Once upon a time there lived an unhappy group of people in a British Colony. These people were tired of the oppressive British Empire and wanted to form their own government where they could ...
By the late 1780's many Americans had grown dissatisfied with the Confederation. It was unable to deal effectively with economic problems and weak in the face of Shay's Rebellion. A decade earlier, Americans had deliberately avoided creating a strong national government. Now they recons...
In struggling to determine whether or not the American political system is pluralistic, elitist, or a representative democracy one must first understand what these systems are. A pluralistic system of government focuses upon interest groups to convey the interests and views of public opinion. A...
Drafting of the Constitution "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers...". This is the beginning of the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Je...
"A symbol is something that stands for or suggests something else because of relationship, association, convention, or accidental resemblance." (Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 1194). These emblematic masterpieces have been both created and destroyed by war. These wars have...
THE SLOW DEATH OF "THE BILL OF RIGHTS"The American way of life changed for all citizens on the morning of September 11, 2001, in numerous fashion, some immediate and very obvious, other actions not apparent until much later. On October 26, 2001, a mere six weeks later, the greatest harm due to the ...
We the People...In his Federalist Paper #51, James Madison said, "If all men were angels, no government would be necessary." However, all men are not angels; therefore, some form of government is needed to maintain order, protect the rights of the minority, express the wishes of the majority, defen...
Executive Branch vs. Legislative BranchIn principle, the U.S. is a democratic republic, they govern themselves by choosing their leaders by secret ballot, and these leaders in turn make the rules. Americans started "governing themselves" as a nation on July 4th, 1776, when the Declaration of Indepen...
The United Sates has had a short yet complex history in its two hundred and twenty-four years. She has produced millions and millions of great individuals. These great minds have shaped what America is today. Others, however, have personally molded this magnificent nation with their own acts. Jo...