20 Results for benjamin franklin

Throughout history, many people have made a lasting impact on the American society. Focusing on the years between 1750 and 1850, Benjamin Franklin stands out because of the influence he had on the American Revolution and his contributions to the American society. Not only was he a revolutionary lead...
The qualities that characterize a leader are identical no matter what goal they are trying to ultimately achieve; however, the main difference that distinguishes a successful leader from an unsuccessful leader is their tactics. This is clearly demonstrated in the leaders Benjamin Franklin and Tecum...
Benjamin Franklin made many contributions to the American Revolution and the newly formed federal government that followed the war. In addition to being an author, diplomat, and philosopher, Franklin was a scientist who created practical inventions like the bifocal lense, the stove, the chimney, the...
Benjamin Franklin a founding father, a famous inventor, the face on the one hundred dollar bill. When people see Benjamin Franklin or hear his name they do not think of the famous physicist. He has done so much with his life that the fact that he discovered the two different kinds of electric charg...
In the incredibly insightful novel, Founding Brothers, Joseph J. Ellis recounts the sometimes collaborative, sometimes archly antagonistic interactions between the leading men of the founding generation. By closely examining the private characters behind their public personas, the author provides th...
When thinking of Benjamin Franklin, it is difficult to imagine any other man who has performed greater deeds for the United States. He was instrumental in the creation of the very document that led to the birth of our nation, the Articles of Confederation. Working behind those who were younger and m...
To an extant the colonists developed a sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution. This unity and identity by no means came instantaneously, but came as a slow trickle and even on the eve of the revolution was still not complete. This sense of unity and i...
In 1776 there was a great decision made by the people who ran the government and this classic musical, "1776", portrayed the great decision, the writing of the constitution. The movie's plot is about the proceedings of the second continental congress as it debated on declaring independence from B...
The movie titled 1776 is an excellent musical version of what happened at the Continental Congress in the months leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The original thirteen colonies signed this declaration and agreed to separate from England thus the United S...
As Americans approach the era of a new millennium, they must realize the ever-changing progress of technology in our world. Developments come as fast as time passes, and with each new one, the old one becomes obsolete. Scientists and engineers have made a worldwide impact on how civilization lives...
Born in Talbot County, MD., November 8, 1732, John Dickinson had a big effect on the way American History happened. He was born into a relatively wealthy family, his father being first judge to the Court of Pleas in Delaware. He got his education at the Temple in London, studying law. That was...
Thomas Jefferson, America\'s third president, has had a large influence on our countries freedom from Great Britain. He was a man who joined to fight the cause and rebel because of his belief to do the right thing. Thomas Jefferson\'s unique intelligence-led our country to success by composing the D...
The American Women Abigail Adams was a women of a unique personality . She was an intellectual because she wanted to have an education and demonstrated the desire to learn. As a mother, she passionately cared for her children during periods of disease and poor health that surround the...
The colonists that came from England helped establish what is known as the New World. After several conflicts between different nations for control of the new world; England and the British colonists gained control of the majority of the Atlantic coast of the New World. Britain in an effort to gai...
Trial of The Declaration of Independence Authors Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Benjamin Franklin, and Robert R. Livingston for the Continental Congress Date July 4, 1776 Location Presented in Philadelphia at Pennsylvania State House Author Information: Most autho...
In many ways, women were not allowed to play an important role in society during the 1770's. For the most part, it was illegal for women to receive any form of higher education. Thus, their involvement in the affairs of government was very limited, including of course, that they were not allo...
Drafting of the Constitution "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers...". This is the beginning of the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Je...
Virginia"For the next half-century these products of the golden age served as leaders successively in the War of Independence, in the formation of a new nation based on the new principles of the inalienable rights of man, and in governing the republic during its formative years" (Dowdey, 337). The...
The American Revolution was a conflict between 13 British colonies in North America and their parent country, Great Britain. It was made up of two related events: the American War of Independence and the design of the American government. In 1775, the commander of British forces, General Thomas Gage...
There was a feeling of revolution as soon as people left England to come to the New World. John Adams explains how the revolution began when he says, "The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people." The duel for America created a rest...