27 Results for biology

What is With the Network??? Has anyone noticed the fact that the netwerk, ever since it has been improved upon, causes more troubles than ever? Sure, we don't mind having the network crashing mid web-page deveolpment (during IA -- ha ha), but during that last speech, worth eighty percent of the gr...
My dedication to furthering my education in the field of psychology is unstoppable. Psychology has always been a passion of mine, but not until recently have I taken advantage of the opportunity to pursue my innermost dreams. I can remember having the desire to become a psychiatrist as far back as t...
The debate concerning 'nature vs. nurture' is one of three controversial issues argued when psychologists talk of human development. One side will argue the point of nature, saying genetics hold the key that unlocks human development. On the other hand, some will say the environment in which one is ...
Nathan Is a Procrastinator. Everything he does is rushed and at the last minute. He is under a tremendous amount of stress all the time. He is a high school Senior at Downers Grove South High School. He is one of my Patients whose case is troubling me. I asked six of my colleagues to come an...
Behavior is the way human beings and other organisms act. Many people use the word behavior to mean conduct that is how a person\'s actions fit society\'s idea or right and wrong. But in other behavioral science, behavior is regarded as an activity of a person or other living things. This article ...
The mind and body problem is the philosophical problem of whether there are non-physical minds, souls, or spirits. On one side we have the dualist who believe that there are causal relationships between mind and body. On the other side we have the materialist who hold a firm believe that everything ...
We live in a world today were everything has to be factual. We as a society need to completely understand everything that is going on around us at all times. We satisfy this need in many ways. From creating scientific formulas that will include every minute detail into its calculations to spending ...
What does Freud's theory of dreams tell us about the nature of the human mind? Freud insists that dreams are a product of the individual's mind and are not something impressed on the mind by outside sources. If the are mental events that need to be analyzed to be understood, what can be ...
Are we who we are–athletic or artistic, quick-tempered or calm, shy or outgoing, energetic or laid back-because of our genetic inheritance or because of our upbringing? This question about the importance of nature vs. nurture, or heredity versus environment, has been asked in one form o...
The five major theoretical perspectives in psychology are biological, learning, cognitive, psychodynamic, and sociocultural perspectives. Each one of these perspectives searches for answers about behavior through differe...
The role of the hippocampus in learning and memory has been examined for many years. Studies have used rats, monkeys, and other animals and given them a variety of lesions to the hippocampus and other parts of the brain. These were followed by a variety of tests that involved learning and memory. ...
Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed was one of the most compelling education theories I have ever read. After reading it the first time my first reaction was to compare all the teachers, I had from nursery to my college years. I asked myself who among my teachers were banking method te...
Interest is growing in the application of evolutionary and genetic behavioral ecological theory to problems of human lifetimes age specific fertility and mortality, population growth, and emerging population-environment interactions. An understanding of human evolution, particularly the effects of e...
B.F. Skinner born in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania March 20, 1904 was a man known as B.F. Skinner. His real name was Burrhus Fredric, but he signed his name as B.F. since he was at the tender age of nine Skinner accomplished many things in his lifetime. He wrote several books, all about psychology Skin...
What I thought about the trip to Creighton was a fun trip. I wish we would of saw the whole body not just some of the pieces of the body. Yet, it was still interesting, and very educational, because i knew most of the body parts he was point out. Also, I tried to answer most of the question...
A Proposal for the Further Study of Great Writers Dave Vinson ENL 4230 11/20/00 It could be said that the study of Literature and the study of Psychology are a most incompatible mix. Properly schooled in one or the other of these two disciplines, it is the psychologist who w...
THE NATURE OF PSYCHOLOGY Psychology, as we know it today, is the science of behavior and mental processes. It helps us to understand why people think, feel, and act the way they do. Psychology is a science just like Biology and Philosophy, both of which have had a major impact on psychology. ...
Biological vs. Humanistic Theories"Just ignore her, that's just her character." Is it so common for men and women who have unique, disturbed, happy, or sad personalities identified 'that is just the way they are'? Many questions come to parents minds how, why or when their child or children turn out...
"WOLF CHILDREN AND THE PROBLEM OF HUMAN NATURE" "There exists today a being which, unlike everything else in the world, does not appear at birth as a 'prefabricated system', but which has still to be constructed and has everything to learn ....... The natural in man is due to inborn heredity the ...
Learning Theories Paper Learning is a central focus in today's society. Education is becoming more and more important as each year passes due to economic advances. Every child learns differently and it is the teacher's responsibility to figure out how each individual child learns. T...
A Closer Look At High Risk YouthIt is important not to overreact to isolated incidents. Young people will have problems and will learn, at their own rate, to struggle and deal with them. But it is critical for parents and helping adults to be aware of the factors that put a youth at particular risk,...
John Wilson Psychology Essay (Development of psychology) In the following essay I will explain the development of major schools in terms of distinguishing features and historical context. Scientific study is a valid way of coming to an understanding of life, and can be very useful in every area...
Aggressive Behavior in Children Today; Are We Safe?Aggressive behavior can alter the lives of many, it is evidenced by the horrific stories that propagate the media. Children randomly shooting in schools, fired workers retaliating on their previous place of employment, damaging property or even comm...
PSYCHOLOGICAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR Psychology is the very important perspective for human nature. It is very much important for the individual environment. Psychology is very much a product of the Western tradition. Whereas a new psychology of the year 2000 contains both the eastern as well as theWestern ...
Chapter 16 Psychological DisordersDepressionThe topic of depression is of special interest to me for a number of reasons. Depression is very common in today's society and is a very fascinating psychological condition. Also many some of my friends and family members show signs of depression. After re...