8 Results for biology

Cloning has many more advantages than disadvantages. The definition of cloning is to duplicate an organism. Through cloning, you could help thousands of people and animals. Cloning can totally reduce organ donor lists. Cloning can also bring back endangered species. \"Advanced cloning is going to ha...
Recently, we have all seen the controversy over whether or not we should attempt to clone. If you haven\'t heard: A group of scientists in Scotland announced the birth of a sheep cloned from embryonic cells, presaging Dolly. Dolly\'s was the birth heard round the world. The first mammal ever cloned...
As today's society becomes more advanced in research and science, cloning humans seem to be the next step. But why is there a need for such a thing? In "Human Cloning? Don't Just Say No," by Ruth Macklin, she starts by reminding us of when scientists cloned a sheep and how it s...
In his 1930's futuristic novel, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley predicted a society where the human race was created in a laboratory and carried to term in incubators. At the time it was regarded as being ludicrously impossible. The idea of cloning in the eighties required multiple reproductio...
Ethical and Societal Dimensions of Cloning Technology became more important and more effective in society than ever since the Industrial Revolution, and people began to argue ethical and societal problems caused by technology. After the possibility of human cloning raised when ...
Human cloning in its simplest form is the artificial process of making a genetic copy of a human being. It is the extraction of one organisms DNA being replicated and grown to be an exact copy of the original. This could mean that at some point in the future, any person could have an identical twin ...
Cloning has been a very controversial issue in the United States over the past few years. There are two different sides, either one is for the process of cloning or they're not. It's that simple. Strictly speaking, a clone refers to one or more offspring derived from a single ancestor, whose genetic...
Cloning Is cloning ethical? the majority of the world would say no but the medical research possibilities associated with it are endless. In 1997 when Dolly the lamb was born we began to think, wow if it's possible to clone an animal, why not a human in the future? It soon became known that it was p...