9 Results for breast cancer

HIVand AIDS A deadly virus of epidemic proportion rapidly spreads throughout the world. Since 1984, nearly fifty million people have been infected in America alone. There is no cure for this virus and drugs alone wont stop it from attacking your immune system. Acquired Immune Deficiency Synd...
What do you know about aids let me tell you some things about it. AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is a disease that attacks the immune system, your body's main defense against disease. AIDS is caused by a virus known as HIV (or human immunodeficiency virus). First reported in 1981, HIV...
A social problem is defined as a negative interaction between groups in society. The social problem most likely effects more than one group of people. Most problems bring upon havoc or cause lack of cooperation in solving the problem. Social problems also prevent groups from growing and improving...
AIDS Research Paper Anyone can get it. Most people who get it die. The AIDS virus now infects over 35 million people worldwide (Haney 1A). And about 1 in every 300 Americans is HIV positive (150 Basic AIDS Facts). What if you were one of those people? This virus takes over 8,200 lives per da...
Almost everyone has had some form of alcohol in their lives. A lot of people drink alcohol on a reoccurring basis. However, most people that consume alcohol have no idea the short term and long term effect that it have on their body. The purpose of this paper is to inform everyone of the affects of ...
An abortion is a procedure in which an embryo or fetus (child) is prohibited from developing by artificial means, usually occurring before the 20th week of development. One could argue that this is next to murder. In most religions oppose abortion and it's practice. The Bible states "thou shalt n...
Alcohol is a mood altering depressant drug. It can affect almost every part of a person's body. The affect alcohol has on a person depends on their sex, weight, how fast they metabolize alcohol, situation, mood, and the presence of food in the stomach. Alcohol decreases a person's inhibitions, w...
The AIDS EpidemicInitial DraftToday, forty million people are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS. With an astounding number of cases being reported each year, something must be done to educate the world's youth about the dangers of this pandemic. With over 40,000 cases of HIV/AIDS being reported e...
AIDS:What is it and how is it spread?What is AIDS and how is it spread? Around the world, AIDS has been a top killer for many people throughout the 20th century and is spread numerous ways. Scientist have been hard at work for years to find a cure for AIDS, but only have been able to find ways to t...